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File 134940747934.jpg - (242.83KB , 708x1000 , K.jpg )
11580 No. 11580 [Edit]
I liked the visuals and the soundtrack in the first episode. It seems to be rather different from the usual otaku fare, with low amounts of dialogue and an unusual art style.
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>> No. 11581 [Edit]
File 134940758884.jpg - (200.36KB , 1280x720 , K.jpg )
There happens to be a loli in the outlaw rapper skater group.
>> No. 11582 [Edit]
File 134940767932.jpg - (232.08KB , 1280x720 , K.jpg )
There's wonky CG stuff going on a lot of the time.
>> No. 11584 [Edit]
oh god, skaters have infected japan?!
>> No. 11586 [Edit]
Apparently they also rap and have gay sex from what I've gathered in this thread.
>> No. 11590 [Edit]
File 134940907289.jpg - (122.53KB , 1280x720 , don't screw up my images tohno.jpg )
>> No. 11591 [Edit]
File 134940909841.jpg - (155.93KB , 1280x720 , don't screw up my images gay tohno.jpg )
>> No. 11592 [Edit]
File 134940972493.png - (1.82MB , 1280x720 , 2012-10-05_005619.png )

I didn't understand anything the entire episode.
But these two guys reminded me of the main characters of Number 6
>> No. 11595 [Edit]
Awesome. Watching this is now my first priority. I love delinquent lolis.

Post edited on 4th Oct 2012, 11:06pm
>> No. 11597 [Edit]
Ok, it was really WTF so here is the list of series it reminded me:

- Oretachi ni tsubasa wa nai
- Chaos;Head
- Loveless
- Elfen Lied (that kind of "vectors" displayed by the dark guy)
- Eva (if only for that sort of weak-Kaworu-cameo MC)

It's visually mesmerizing but the sort of magical series premise seems rather childish. However is just the first episode; let's see how it goes.
>> No. 11603 [Edit]
Seems like semi-grimdark fujoshi bait.
>> No. 11630 [Edit]
Sure is blue.
>> No. 11637 [Edit]
File 134957735776.jpg - (94.75KB , 1280x720 , [Doki] K - 01 (1280x720 Hi10P AAC) [73A718C7]_mkv_.jpg )
>fujoshi shit

yea... no.
>> No. 11639 [Edit]
I don't really see what point is being made with that screencap. Most fujoshis seem to be bisexual anyway, so I doubt they'd be at all bothered by the camera focused on a large rack for a second or two.
>> No. 11641 [Edit]
I don't think I made it 10 minutes before I dropped this. Some of the art is nice, but it's drowned out with awful purple/blue tints to everything.
>> No. 11646 [Edit]
One or two female characters doen't make it less fujoshibait.
>> No. 11672 [Edit]
File 134964911847.jpg - (431.77KB , 800x800 , 1349187022936.jpg )
Engrish speaking gangsters busting through windows, skater punk, gothic lolita, red vs blue, generic "cool guy" archetypes, magical sword fights, magic, and absolutely nothing explained whatsoever.

What were they thinking?
>> No. 11682 [Edit]
I liked it. It has nice character designs (fujoshi bait or no, they're fucking cool-looking), and it's only the first episode. I don't think that the fact that there's "absolutely nothing explained whatsoever" is a valid criticism (yet). If they don't tell us what the hell is going on by episode 3 or 4, then, yeah. Dropped.

Until then, though, I'm going to be enjoying the outlaw rapper skater group + loli + bishounen + possible homolust show. It kind of reminds me of Nabari no Ou, just with way better...everything.

The soundtrack is good, too.
>> No. 11808 [Edit]
File 135005371960.jpg - (123.30KB , 1280x720 , what.jpg )
>> No. 11818 [Edit]
>What were they thinking?
We're gonna be hip fly fresh radical off the chain and super cool original trend setting renegades! aight?!

Post edited on 12th Oct 2012, 3:52pm
>> No. 11865 [Edit]
24 minutes of nothing.
>> No. 11867 [Edit]
File 135015331886.jpg - (94.47KB , 1280x720 , [Commie] 「K」 - 02 [C310E930]_mkv_snapshot_22_1.jpg )
I would watch 12+ episodes of just him cooking.
No homo.
>> No. 11868 [Edit]
File 135015336765.jpg - (150.20KB , 1280x720 , [Commie] 「K」 - 02 [C310E930]_mkv_snapshot_21_3.jpg )

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