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File 129409086521.gif - (395.12KB , 350x350 , 124567518182.gif )
1157 No. 1157
I'm normally try to be far and away from that guy that posts the /r/ thread but well, here I am. I'm bored and I've got a list of animu I want to watch but I can't seem to get myself interested in any of them.

Here's what I've watched so far:

inb4 You thought <insert animu here> was good/bad/was dropped!?

Ohhh and for your amusement, a .gif
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>> No. 1158
Go watch Boku no Pico, Pico to Chico and Pico x CoCo x Chico before you make another pointless anime recommendation thread. Go back to /a/.
>> No. 1159
File 129409156431.jpg - (343.98KB , 1405x1000 , 1272729896838.jpg )
>> No. 1160
File 129409171155.jpg - (25.73KB , 430x430 , 1291612567941.jpg )
>> No. 1161
Thanks boss but I've already fapped to that.

Seen those too.
>> No. 1162
File 129409174264.jpg - (470.99KB , 1117x844 , 1272731861187.jpg )
>> No. 1163
Watch 5cm/s, and choose a better image next time.
>> No. 1164
Ladies vs. Butlers
Togainu no Chi
Axis Powers Hetalia
Yebisu celebrities
Sex pistols
Kachou no koi
Seitokaichou ni Chuukoku
Monochrome factor
Koisuru Boukun
Antique bakery
After School in the Teacher’s Lounge
Ai no Kusabi
Angel’s Feather
Close the Last Door!
Descendants of Darkness
Fish in the Trap
Fujimi Orchestra
Gakuen Heaven
Lesson XX
Maiden Rose
Mirage of Blaze
Princess Princess
Ryokunohara Labyrinth
Seikimatsu Darling
Sensitive Pornograph
Zetsuai 1989 and Bronze
Koisuru Boukun

>> No. 1165
Thank you.
>> No. 1166

I'm proud of you tohno-chan
>> No. 1168
Gurren Lagann made me lol
>> No. 1169
File 12941022047.jpg - (338.68KB , 1502x907 , anime worth buying.jpg )
>This Ugly Yet Beautiful World: 8/10
what the fuck man. I dont know what to recommend to someone who actually thinks that was good.
>> No. 1170
>all /a/ bullshit
Speaking of, a Tohno-chan anime rec chart would be cool
>> No. 1171
File 129410426460.jpg - (13.78KB , 200x286 , Ikigami_The_Ultimate_Limit.jpg )
If it makes you feel any better I haven't watched it since the first time I saw it and it was within the first 4 or so animus I finished watching. I'm more of a manga guy now, I would go into detail but this seems to be the anime board not the manga board. But pic related to what I'm reading.
>> No. 1176
What the fuck /an/, this thread has more trolling than /a/.

OP try checking Tohno-chan's MAL club for someone with a high similarity and then look at their top picks.
>> No. 1177
Might be because everyone thinks op is a troll?
>> No. 1181
Either that or he's just a general shitposter, and, either way, doesn't need to be taken seriously at all.
>> No. 1184
>What the fuck /an/, this thread has more trolling than /a/.

That's because OP is either a newfriend, a shitposter or a troll. Maybe all of the combined. He's not welcome here. He should go back to /b/.
>> No. 1185
In the future try not to start your threads with a stupid played out meme image
>> No. 1186
In the future, don't ask for recommendations based on things you like when you post a site that gives recommendations based on things you like.
>> No. 1232
Sorry for all the bad vibes, OP. I'm pretty sure the LOLface threw everyone off.

Judging from your MAL, I see you like the high concept stuff. As overexposed as most of them are, you might as well check out the entirety of the Studio Ghibli roster. All of that stuff is worth at least a once-over IMHO and from your tastes I can guarantee more than one of them will strike a chord.

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