No. 12488
- (59.81KB
, 1280x720
, [URW]_Chuunibyou_demo_Koi_ga_Shitai!_-_07_[720p][4.jpg
Man, this episode hurt.
The poor kids, having a dead beat whore as a mother, only having one parent who really cares about them, and then having that taken away from them so suddenly.
One of the daughters goes into denial, and the occult/chuu2-syndrome as an escapist methodology to fuel her hope.
The other daughter.... simply dies inside. A rather emotionless doll. And she simply doesn't understand or know what or how to deal with the other daughter, vivid with emotion, but out of touch with reality. She doesn't want to simply shatter her hopes and dreams, to make her like herself, but she also wants her to face the music of the situation. The longer she stays in her fantasy world, the harder she will hit the concrete when she falls out of it.
on a rather unrelated note, when the fuck did Kyoani learn how to draw feet? Dear lord almighty, did they do anything like this in the last few years as well that I simply wasn't aware of (It may have been a year or...three maybe since I watched a kyoani show)? If so, I'd like to go watch those show(s), or at least get them properly noted in my backlog. This is an amazing revelation to myself.