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File 129391776819.jpg - (30.51KB , 500x375 , akagi-anime.jpg )
1142 No. 1142
So, I read Kaiji and was pretty blown away how awesome it is.

Right now I started watching Akagi. God, this must be the best Anime I have seen since NGE. I can't even remeber the last time I was so thrilled by some scenes that I had to rewatch them again and again, simply because Akagi was so fucking badass.

Can we have a Akagi and gambling Anime - General? I'm at Episode 6, so please use spoilers if you have to.

What are some other interesting gambling Animes out there? I will definitely watch Kaiji but is there anything else besides it?
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>> No. 1143

One Outs, obviously. It's my favorite of the three.
>> No. 1144
One Outs is what would happen if Akagi played baseball.
>> No. 1145
File 129392363928.jpg - (64.68KB , 600x338 , oneouts_01_06_post.jpg )
I thought Kaiji was better than Akagi but that's only my opinion.

Thirding One Outs.

Toua is just so badass and the music is really memorable, just like Kaiji. They all have the same director I think.
>> No. 1146
Isn't Akagi's voice actor the one for Toua as well?
>> No. 1147
As well as Kaiji.
>> No. 1149
Wow, I feel stupid for not realizing that. Maybe it's because Kaiji just sounds more moe to me.
>> No. 1151
Best anime since Evangelion?

Alright, I'm interested.
>> No. 1152
File 129393748770.jpg - (43.65KB , 226x170 , watch-legendary-gambler-tetsuya-episodes-online-en.jpg )
Oh that reminds me, I still need to watch Legendary Gambler Tetsuya. Anybody watched it?
>> No. 1154

Great show, and the mahjong isn't as batshit insane either. Much easier to follow if you don't know the game
>> No. 1155
File 12940070429.jpg - (140.59KB , 620x349 , koizumi.jpg )
Mudazumo Naki Kaikaku: The Legend of Koizumi

It's in a whole different league but totally off the hook. Only the first OVA has been subbed as far as I know but you might want to check out the manga.

Oh wow, you're right. He did Akagi, Kaiji and Toua.
>> No. 1310
OP here.

I finally finished Akagi and I have to say that the ending... well, it sucks. But I enjoyed the whole serie and can't wait for the second season. There will be one, right?

Now, I started Kaiji and One Outs is on my to-watch-list next. Legendary Gambler Tetsuya looks also pretty much like the kind of anime I was looking for.
>> No. 1311
Yeah, well they did that because they caught up with the manga (which I hear is STILL in the Washizu match).

Oh well, the Urabe match was the highpoint of the show for me.
>> No. 1359
Akagi was really good. I watched it at first when I had no idea what mahjong was about, but after playing for a while came back to rewatch the series, things make a lot more sense when you can understand the game a little better.

Kaiji was ok, but not as great as Akagi in my opinion.
>> No. 1362
File 129487937059.gif - (7.53KB , 200x200 , 1204702293142.gif )
Akagi's not as moe as Kaiji though.

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