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File 134851096343.jpg - (471.13KB , 557x770 , 245917.jpg )
11400 No. 11400 [Edit]
What does Tc think about this show?
For my part, I know its one of few rare, enjoyable medieval style anime that are not set in Japan.
I think it is really underrated and that it is just the fault of Zexcs being incompetent on doing their part.

Also, anybody knows of similiar thing that is not Claymore,Berserk or Rance OVA's?
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>> No. 11406 [Edit]
File 134852379935.jpg - (193.40KB , 850x927 , pixiv5.jpg )
I still need to finish this show... but it seemed okay from the little I have seen. The main cast is likeable at least.

>Also, anybody knows of similiar thing that is not Claymore,Berserk or Rance OVA's?

Sword Art Online.

No, but seriously,have you seen Utawarerumono, Guin Saga, Juuni Kouki, Record of Lodoss War, Slayers, Orphen, Rune Soldier Louie, Serei no Moribito, and Ju-Oh-Sei?

Some of them are more like LoLH than others, but you may like those series.
>> No. 11408 [Edit]
File 13485250327.jpg - (595.56KB , 1500x600 , Konachan_com - 96302 sample.jpg )
Already saw Koukaku no Regios, but it is not as appealing.
Also does anyone happen to know which studio is most into anime like this?

Post edited on 26th Sep 2012, 2:52pm
>> No. 11416 [Edit]
File 134854118946.jpg - (59.80KB , 450x394 , tears-to-tiara-website-launched.jpg )

You might like Tower of Druaga if you haven't seen that. The story isn't magnificent, but the environments are rather detailed and the characters are likeable/entertaining.

Tears to Tiara is another okay one.
It's not great, but it's not bad either.
>> No. 11435 [Edit]
File 134863363813.jpg - (53.45KB , 960x540 , snapshot20090624021358.jpg )
>What does Tc think about this show?
>I think it is really underrated and that it is just the fault of Zexcs being incompetent on doing their part.

basically Chrome Shelled Regios with a different VA cast and setting, at least for the section of the story the anime covers in LoLH.

While it's not a medieval style anime, it's quite enjoyable and if you enjoyed LoLH for anything other than the setting alone, I'd strongly recommend it with the list the other anon did (though I found tears to tiara to be a bit better than 'okay', more in the 'not bad' range, at the very least)
>> No. 11437 [Edit]
Legend of Legendary Heroes is good.

Most of the similar shows have been mentioned already, but I'll add Shadow Skill to that list. It's a bit old, but worth watching.

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