No. 11261
preferring the "K-on" look is also completely subjective.
How well an item sells does not reflect it's quality at all. for example, the transformers movies do very well but are by every definition shit. most consumer goods these days are manufactured to brake down after a set period of time, but that has little effect on sales. Planned obsolescence is common place among cars, and has not effected the demand for them. the original iphones were buggy pieces of shit that shut down randomly and broke easily, but that didn't stop people from fighting for the chance to throw away $500 on it. sometimes consumers are just retards, see call of duty and madden videogames. unless you're just some sort of mindless sheep, you shouldn't just go along with whatever is popular and consider it 'good' just becuase it's popular. that's what makes people Ford Drivers. Ford Drivers mindlessly do whatever society and the media tells them to without ever thinking for themselves. and that my friend, sucks.
Post edited on 13th Sep 2012, 2:02pm