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1112 No. 1112
So UFOtable has decided to adapt fate/zero.

Like we don't have enough saber doujins already right? Jeeze.
>> No. 1113
>The February issue of Young Ace will ship on December 29. The artist Shinjirō is launching the manga adaptation of Fate/Zero in this issue.

Is more exciting to me.
>> No. 1115
Fucking awesome. I'll read the LN before this airs, but ufotable finally working on something is nice. Wish it wasn't more Type-Moon, though.
>> No. 1118
Should definitely be a fun watch. Finally I get to see saber in that black suit.
>> No. 1179
Fate/Zero and Take-Moon. All that's left is Heaven' feel and Ataraxia. It kind of sucks that we will never see sparks liner high animated though,
>> No. 1180
Nice. I'd prefer a far side Tsukihime remake, but that will never ever happen, so I'm content.

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