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File 128928217646.jpg - (90.48KB , 800x917 , kirino bikini 2.jpg )
111 No. 111 [Edit]
Discuss Oreimo here!
Expand all images
>> No. 112 [Edit]
Kirino is a whore.

Childhood friend and Kuroneko are boss.
>> No. 113 [Edit]
I like all the girls, really. Even the grandma
>> No. 118 [Edit]
I soo agree, Kirino is a nasty spoiled bitch and I have no idea why anyone puts up with her.
She's not even Tsundere, just Tsun.
>> No. 119 [Edit]
File 128929823489.jpg - (362.35KB , 700x1243 , 6f59dba8e2168343b3b434401466bf02.jpg )
My favorites are Ayase and Kirino, but I really dislike all the other girls. Especially Manami.
>> No. 120 [Edit]
File 128932806023.gif - (575.52KB , 460x256 , kirino butt.gif )
I really hate Kirino's personality but she redeems herself in...uh....OTHER ways
>> No. 121 [Edit]
File 128932827459.png - (322.27KB , 1132x1600 , ore_no_imouto_v01c001_28.png )
Manga version is fine too. (´∀`)
>> No. 123 [Edit]
File 128933089057.gif - (341.75KB , 256x144 , kirino dakimakura.gif )
>> No. 127 [Edit]
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>> No. 128 [Edit]
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>> No. 129 [Edit]
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>> No. 212 [Edit]
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Second. I hate her, I'm glad there are segments where she isn't around (or isn't the center of attention at very least), otherwise I would've dropped it after 2 episodes tops.

And after this w... Well, last week's episode I admire Kuroneko even more. She was my favorite character in the show even before this but now she is probably my favorite character of the whole season (sorry Ika).

The 'I hate it so it sucks' mentality is cancerous for all sorts of media. I'm glad to see Kuroneko doesn't think like that... Although in this particular case I would probably punch Kirino straight in the face, while there is no 'correct' way of doing things I definitely feel that what Kuroneko descirbed can only be perceived as the 'wrong' way (or rather, the retarded way).
>> No. 213 [Edit]
Agreed, Kuroneko is just awesome.
>> No. 215 [Edit]
It's because she's such a good girl on the inside. You can tell she's very self sacrificing when it comes down to it.
>> No. 218 [Edit]
I like Kuroneko's personality, and like Kirino's hotness (even though Kuroneko is pretty cute too). If only they could be combined into the perfect little girl otaku
>> No. 219 [Edit]
Wow, so much Kirino hate.

Know why I like Kirino? Because she is so lively and fun. Yeah, she can be annoying and act like a brat, but hey, she is 14.

I can see Kuroneko's appeal in having common interests and a lot of talk material, but I would be friends with her, nothing more. Kirino, on the other hand, is pure passion and life, we would argue a lot, but love each other the same amount. It would never be boring. That's why I can imagine being with her. And that's why she's my favorite girl from the show.
>> No. 305 [Edit]
File 129041237466.jpg - (115.26KB , 1280x720 , hateu.jpg )
Every episode Kirino digs her ditch deeper.

I simply don't get it. She's a hatedere, not a tsundere.
>> No. 306 [Edit]
File 129041749584.jpg - (85.66KB , 800x448 , bscap0000b.jpg )
hey! mai waifu is 14 as well and she....... can be a psycopathic brat as well, just for sport (dammit).
however, Kirino's not making any real progress yet, from ultramega(zord)tsun to slightly dere.
>> No. 307 [Edit]
Being 14 is no excuse for being such a shitty person.
Someone needs to teach her some damn manors and respect for others, her parents seem completely clueless and like they don't really care as long as she doesn't embarrass them.
They need to do some god damn parenting and straiten that bitch up.
She needs a few kicks to her vagina, maybe then she'll learn kicking guys in the balls in not cool, and is only funny to the person not getting kicked.
but everyone being okay with it is why women grow up to be the disgusting bitches and whores they are.
If no one ever says to her "hey, that's bad" then why would she ever stop?
You say "she's only 14", but with people like you around her who don't say anything about it, how would she ever grow out of it?
>> No. 309 [Edit]
wow... that must be the very first time the ancient technique for subduing a female, the cunt punt, it's ever mentioned on this chan.
she´s the meanest little brat we've seen in a while alright, but... wait until the end at least, before framing doubtful plans for her 14 yo -sweet little- coochie (don't want her going to waste so fast, personally).
>> No. 310 [Edit]
File 12904357136.jpg - (589.01KB , 900x1200 , 4d8221a781d902405c5f5ef72292ece4.jpg )
Kirino's my favourite from the show, mostly because I've had the (mis)fortune of sharing a house with a young teenage sister in real life also, and can appreciate seeing brother-sister interractions displayed in a more realistic way. Real life sisters aren't quite the cute "onii-chan, I cooked breakfast!" types, they're selfish bitches like Kirino who argue with you for no reason and tell you to keep the fuck out of their way when they have friends over. After having gone through that awkward sort of thing myself in the past, to watch it unfolding in an anime is very entertaining. Having my own sister grow out of that phase around 6 years ago and start to treat me like a human being since then, it also gives the show quite a nostalgic feel.
>> No. 320 [Edit]
I'm glad my sisters moved out years ago, and I don't feel nostalgic about it at all.

I also just wanted to say that this show is awful.
>> No. 321 [Edit]
It's okay for her to kick her bother in the balls when he's trying to help her, but not okay to kick her in the cunt in return?
It's only fair man, she kicks someones in the crotch, someone kicks her the crotch.

This is what's so funny about the idea of equality for men and women, to woman, equality with men means they get to get away with stuff (like this) that men don't.
Guy gets kicked in his sexual organs. it's funny, same thing to a woman, then it's going to far and wrong and so on.
God I hate this bitch.
>> No. 322 [Edit]
I like Kuroneko though.
>> No. 323 [Edit]
I don't like Kirino, but the show is still entertaining. I'm hoping her character will develop.

So far she seems to actually be going the other way though.
>> No. 324 [Edit]
We mostly only see Kirino around her brother (little sisters are prone to act like cunts to their brothers) and her vitriolic best bud Kuroneko. For all we know she acts like an angel most of the time around other people
>> No. 325 [Edit]
well, i wasn't really talking about respecting-the-women/protecting-the-loli-at-all-cost stuff, but just pointing out the greater profit we could still get from Kirino's snatch before beating it to a pulp...

but now that you mention it (and as a side comment), i actually sort of agree with your viewing: feminazis are annoying as fuck, as they still seem idiotically unaware of the falacy that lies behind their discourse; wich while supposedly standing for a social change and a fight for equality in rights among men and women, actually just really stood for the posibility of women to be LIKE MEN; i.e. for women becoming merely men-surrogates, by doing everything that was already being done by men, in the very same way that was already done by men; and thus (far from changing it) preserving the status quo and contributing to the oh so dispicable world of men. otherwise they just wanted free abortions, cherry condoms, or the possiblity of marrying (and then divorcing and sueing for maintenance) between dykes...

anyway: oreimo is bittersweet ok; but still entertaining, nevertheless.
>> No. 326 [Edit]
File 129049346886.jpg - (82.93KB , 851x781 , hate kirino.jpg )
>> No. 327 [Edit]
I'd be surprised if he didn't.
>> No. 333 [Edit]
...Kirino is actually my favorite.
Shit, I feel like I'm doing it wrong.
>> No. 336 [Edit]
File 129053759239.jpg - (26.41KB , 324x307 , kuro smile.jpg )
Same. I'm really starting like Kuroneko though
>> No. 454 [Edit]
File 129101180239.jpg - (196.52KB , 808x434 , kirino 1.jpg )
well i did LMAO at Kirino´s eroge metajokes (and her gaming behaviour). also: Saori WTF? whatever dere lovers keep saying, this series is damn interesting and funny.
>> No. 455 [Edit]
File 129101517967.gif - (428.28KB , 384x216 , phone wha.gif )
The latest episode made Kuroneko beat out Kirino for my love
>> No. 456 [Edit]
File 129101634178.jpg - (146.57KB , 1280x720 , shutup.jpg )
Last episode's irony made me chuckle.

Also, I keep liking Kuroneko more and more and more.
>> No. 457 [Edit]
File 129101645368.gif - (431.49KB , 640x360 , lick.gif )
>> No. 458 [Edit]
>> No. 459 [Edit]
File 129101757259.gif - (311.15KB , 640x360 , licky.gif )
>> No. 482 [Edit]
I lol'd
>> No. 485 [Edit]
File 12910938351.jpg - (28.66KB , 704x396 , oreimo_09_01.jpg )
looking great on casual clothes [attached: imouto]
>> No. 486 [Edit]
File 129109390271.jpg - (28.69KB , 704x396 , oreimo_09_02.jpg )
>> No. 487 [Edit]
File 129109555224.png - (649.32KB , 1280x720 , [Mazui]_Ore_No_Imouto_-_09_[A38AFFE2]_mkv_snapshot.png )
It seems my prediction for this show being a bit more then you expecting it to be still has some value left in it.

Her reflection of eroge is so obvious you can't ignore it even if you wanted too. It'll be interesting to see how it continues onward from here as I'm assuming it won't pull the incest route. Will Kirino get the attention from the only male that can really give it to her at this point in her life, and will she actually realize that instead of being pure tsun?

She's getting closer and closer to snap over to her dere side and oh will it be marvelous~~
>> No. 488 [Edit]
File 129109723535.jpg - (210.31KB , 850x607 , Kirino-kiss-Kyousuke.jpg )

i don't think we'll ever see a strong change in Kirino´s behaviour. she might probably, one day, realize of everything her brother has done for her and become finally aware of her own situation as beloved imouto; but i bet they'll just show her smiling at him (or something just as subtle) and that will be the end, letting us imagine the rest. altough i know nothing about the novels or manga, but they´ll most probably cut the anime at an early stage of the plot, anyway.
>> No. 489 [Edit]
File 129109753453.jpg - (1.40MB , 1500x1600 , myimoutocantbethisdeep.jpg )

But I'm sure we'll see SOMETHING.

They can't taunt me with all of this and just leave me hanging.

This is the only show I'm watching this season I can get all DEEP on ;_;

Its quite fun though either way, Satori is officially my favorite girl after showing her more.. Professional side~
>> No. 491 [Edit]
File 129110006919.jpg - (145.91KB , 718x828 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
>They can't taunt me with all of this and just leave me hanging.
well, yuri (v.g.) does it all the time; and it's like the very nature of slice of life. anyway, i'm expectant too about Saori's ojou facet and the cosplay party.
>> No. 496 [Edit]
Guess I'm not the only one that really likes Kuroneko now. Fuck Kirino, give me more of her!
>> No. 497 [Edit]
File 12911569771.jpg - (427.78KB , 1680x1050 , MY PIZZA NO.jpg )
>> No. 498 [Edit]
I liked Kuroneko from the moment she first showed up and have disliked Kirino more and more with each passing episode.
>> No. 499 [Edit]
Kirino personality is hard to like, but she is still an interesting character. Projecting the tsuntsun like nobodies business because she can't fathom being a normal girl. She just wants to get attention from her brother, and the tsuntsun attitude always gets it without fail~

She will snap I'm guessing, or at least have some adorable dere that we will enjoy
>> No. 500 [Edit]
I was pretty indifferent to Kuros when she first appeared but I've been liking her more and more. As for kirino, she seems to be really crazy which is cute in it's own way
>> No. 501 [Edit]
Too many Pizza Hut tie-ups these days.
>> No. 524 [Edit]
File 129132727126.jpg - (111.03KB , 788x747 , behhh.jpg )
>> No. 527 [Edit]
It was nice to see the animators not bend over backwards to please this bitch, and was also nice to see someone bring up the point and ask why everyone caters to the every whim of a spoiled little brat like her when she she treats everyone like crap, and you'd be lucky to get a thanks if you went to the ends of the earth for her.
>> No. 528 [Edit]
File 129133460966.jpg - (183.39KB , 530x750 , 3bb8e65b9f9297bf56e04727ad5c9222.jpg )
I died.
>> No. 530 [Edit]
I have to say, I like both Kuroneko and Kirino. Kirino's nice because she lacks any real dere; it's refreshing.
>> No. 600 [Edit]
  There's no way an iPhone app can be this cute.
>> No. 601 [Edit]
If I had a cell phone I would totally get this
>> No. 604 [Edit]
OMG: now we even use the technology to fantize about girls who treat us like shit...
I want it.
>> No. 605 [Edit]
File 129168461112.jpg - (50.86KB , 848x480 , someofuslikeit.jpg )
>> No. 609 [Edit]
Mio looks like a damn ant or something in that screenshot.
>> No. 613 [Edit]
File 129172074411.jpg - (649.40KB , 2592x1944 , tohno.jpg )
An accurate depiction of my feelings for Kirino.
>> No. 615 [Edit]
my god, tohno: did you really spat at your screen? lol (she hasn't even slaped him yet)
>> No. 617 [Edit]
look how she stays calm even with a gun to her head. I love her
>> No. 618 [Edit]
Nah man.
>> No. 627 [Edit]
File 129179914918.jpg - (81.74KB , 699x707 , ayase knock.jpg )
>> No. 661 [Edit]
File 12918871074.png - (567.40KB , 1280x720 , [Mazui]_Ore_No_Imouto_-_10v2_[9D348AB9]_mkv_snapsh.png )
I died.

Her character really reminds me of Akira Kogami, enough so that I kept expecting her to pop out a cigarette
>> No. 669 [Edit]
File 129192333491.jpg - (115.89KB , 633x719 , bridget.jpg )
Me-Meruru ga Daaku Witchi ni na jattaiyo~
>> No. 685 [Edit]
Bridget was so fucking moe I died.
>> No. 690 [Edit]
>> No. 699 [Edit]
Me too.
>> No. 746 [Edit]
>sister mart
They just have to push that Kirino bullshit on everyone.
>> No. 768 [Edit]
File 129221913343.jpg - (88.27KB , 805x787 , smile.jpg )
Best episode
>> No. 779 [Edit]
At first I was just amazed and amused by Kuroneko. Then, well, I simply couldn't believe my eyes (so sudden)...
So next is the last one.
>> No. 810 [Edit]
Tsk, Kirino is growing on me. Her 'Rinko-chwan~' and dat fang are just so delicious.
>> No. 828 [Edit]
Sorry Kirino but half an episode isn't enough to redeem yourself. Heck, even if you'd pull if off constantly for the whole season it might be impossible.

On the other hand Manami is really growing on me. I have a weak spot for Mary Sues and I can't help it.
>> No. 830 [Edit]
>Sorry Kirino but half an episode isn't enough to redeem yourself.

She'll be redeemed if her personality actually softens. It's who you are, no who you were, that counts in my opinion.
>> No. 853 [Edit]
>this episode
How can anyone dislike Manami? How many girls can just take that kind of thing in stride and even attempt to appeal to the guy she likes with it?
That onii-chan killed me.
>> No. 859 [Edit]
...no: Kuronekos's nii-san stoped my heart.
>> No. 860 [Edit]
>> No. 861 [Edit]
Cute, but she did it to pester Kirino.
i still prefer Manami's though.
>> No. 862 [Edit]
I think pestering kirino was only part of it. Look at how hard she's blushing. The pestering was a beard.
>> No. 863 [Edit]
She did it to make Kirino react already, no doubt about it; but we all know she took the opportunity alright to enjoy it FTW.
>> No. 948 [Edit]
File 129281018671.png - (574.57KB , 1280x720 , [Mazui]_Ore_No_Imouto_-_12_[37BF0908]_mkv_snapshot.png )

I honestly really enjoyed it
>> No. 951 [Edit]
No more Oreimo for 6 months ;_;
>> No. 952 [Edit]
They're actually gonna make a second season of this trash?
>> No. 953 [Edit]
Hi popo
>> No. 954 [Edit]
;_;, such a shame.

Kirino is still a bitch though.
>> No. 955 [Edit]
its not popo
>> No. 956 [Edit]
Oh. I figured it was him because he posted something similar before (an unneeded "this shit sucks" post)
>> No. 957 [Edit]
most like 4 ovas, as an alternative ending (as I heard).
>> No. 962 [Edit]
Yeah, different OVAs for different endings. Which makes everyone happy.

Second season will probably follow the Kuroneko route.. Maybe

Its kind of weird because in the novels she goes to america

This ending made me much happier so eh, I can't really complain
>> No. 963 [Edit]
>different endings
wait, each one implies (or outright shows) romance with some of the girls?
i'm okay with this.
>> No. 964 [Edit]

Yeah all the major girls will get their own episode apparently, it'll be glorious
>> No. 968 [Edit]
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>> No. 969 [Edit]
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>> No. 971 [Edit]
File 129293698463.jpg - (132.06KB , 1280x720 , snapshot20101221011458.jpg )
This might've been the funniest scene in the entire series.

I'm not sure whether I'll watch the 'true ending' thing, Oreimo left me pretty luke warm in general.
>> No. 1250 [Edit]
File 129444929039.jpg - (690.33KB , 1600x1200 , kirino is watching you kill zombies.jpg )
>> No. 1289 [Edit]
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>> No. 2213 [Edit]
File 129839936925.jpg - (50.83KB , 640x367 , bonus.jpg )
"True End" episode is out!
>> No. 2214 [Edit]
I never noticed that red wasn't her natural eye color.
>> No. 2215 [Edit]

Only the last 3 minutes changed though.
>> No. 2216 [Edit]
That's probably why it's not a "real" episode. The next one should be all new though
>> No. 2238 [Edit]
Aparently it's called the true ending cause it's the one wich follows the manga. So some are rejoiced, expecting for a second season with a route opened by that senpai; nevertheless, some of us -Kirino lovers despite everything- felt just bad.
>> No. 2239 [Edit]

>it's the one wich follows the manga

You mean light novel.
>> No. 2241 [Edit]
I love Kirino and I don't really want her to wind up with her brother. I want her to find a guy who loves her who won't give her mutant babies
>> No. 2242 [Edit]
File 129857645814.png - (375.62KB , 600x821 , kirino___png_by_scarlet_by_scarletnyan-d397w6k.png )
Well, I love her as a consequence of my imouto fetishism, so apart from it the entire thing would be just mundane/dry.

No, I meant what I said... though I might be wrong.
It was just soemthing I read; I refused to read the manga to let the anime series surprise me, but now it could be an appropiate moment to take a look at it... meh.
>> No. 2671 [Edit]
File 130142253736.jpg - (42.51KB , 400x450 , pillow.jpg )
ep 13 is out!
>> No. 2673 [Edit]
File 130142452389.jpg - (75.25KB , 701x398 , fork and spoon.jpg )
Man, this episode was funny
>> No. 2682 [Edit]
So, will they keep airing new episodes eventually?

I need more kuroneko episodes.
>> No. 2683 [Edit]
It was really successful so a second season is almost guaranteed.
>> No. 2684 [Edit]
By the way, didn't the last ending song sound a lot like Bad Apple to anyone else?
>> No. 2691 [Edit]
Oh I hate my download speed sometimes.

I almost feel like I've been enjoying the franchise a bit to much but I simply can't get enough of it. Great episode overall and the ED is just pure olve.


Its sounds similar yeah
>> No. 3502 [Edit]
File 130383996834.jpg - (67.61KB , 637x351 , into gays.jpg )
Ep 14 is out!
>> No. 3503 [Edit]
>> No. 3504 [Edit]
I did not know it'll keep going after 12.

What's the last episode anyway?
>> No. 3507 [Edit]
The next one, I believe
>> No. 3508 [Edit]
File 130384164164.jpg - (53.37KB , 639x350 , masturbate.jpg )
Good heavens
>> No. 3537 [Edit]
I'm starting to like her actually. Hoping to see more of her crazy and sidesplitting fujoushis antics in the new episodes.
>> No. 3623 [Edit]
File 130399572866.png - (183.31KB , 590x305 , but of course you would.png )
Indeed, this young lady is really losing control; next episode we shall see how they end her.
Also: damned shit tier game ranking.
>> No. 3631 [Edit]
Stop the presses!

The show is still running? I thought the first season was over.
>> No. 3632 [Edit]
The first season has been over for ages. These last three episodes (12 True route, 13, 14) have all been ONAs.
>> No. 4125 [Edit]
File 13069040324.jpg - (101.97KB , 1280x720 , visit.jpg )
Final episode is out!
>> No. 4128 [Edit]
File 130690426479.png - (174.89KB , 595x318 , Spoiler Picture.png )
Oh, god...

poor kuroneko; but that's life

Anyway: I guess I'm still gonna miss this show a bit more... a bit.
>> No. 4129 [Edit]
...of S1 anyway. Hoping there's a season 2 so we can see some more of the good ole Kuroneko relationship and Kirino being cute. I can't see how there couldn't be though, since if I remember correctly S1 was a hit.
>> No. 4130 [Edit]
Don't feel bad

Kuroneko gets him
>> No. 4131 [Edit]
I was hoping we would see more interaction with America so we could get some hilarious and/or cute engrish ;_;
>> No. 4139 [Edit]
File 13069266466.png - (783.93KB , 1280x720 , Spoiler Picture.png )
Best moment of the best episode. That sound she let out was so unexpectedly subtle it looked accidental for a moment. Godlike voice acting.

And such a well-packed ending. I'm so glad to see how things turned out in this episode (though that scene with Kuroneko at the airport was SO BEGGING FOR A GLOMP).
Makes me wonder what was the point with ep12 good end, with this one being so much more comprehensive. Aside maybe no Ayase­­×Kirino meeting to be seen everything was pretty much perfect. At this point S2 is just a plus.

Post edited on 1st Jun 2011, 4:17am

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