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No. 11008 [Edit]
  …ten years old
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>> No. 11026 [Edit]
File 134596347878.gif - (323.44KB , 352x240 , ec276ecdabb116f9da39833f983ccf09.gif )
Development was OK. Didn't like the ending all that much. In any case, the entire affair of a custom made consort (computer/doll) makes it still a good reference for a 2D lover to have.
>> No. 11048 [Edit]
Has it been that long?

>> No. 11056 [Edit]
I don't know why, but I didn't really like the animation/designs in this show. Most things from the early 2000s were weird.

Still loved the show, however.
>> No. 11085 [Edit]
I never got why they didn't just disable the reset button, it's not that hard.

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