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File 129368437028.png - (101.84KB , 230x219 , prettycure.png )
1099 No. 1099 [Edit]
This will be a Mahou Shoujo thread. Discuss and recommend your favorites. Pretty Cure should be a Mahou Shoujo everyone is familiar with, it is a classic.
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>> No. 1100 [Edit]
File 129368457584.jpg - (45.10KB , 225x317 , shugochara.jpg )
Has anyone seen Shugo Chara? It will probably be the next one I watch.
>> No. 1104 [Edit]
  Bring the power hooooooome.
>> No. 1105 [Edit]

it's stuck in my head again, i didn't even need to watch it ;_;
>> No. 1106 [Edit]
I'm sorry man, it's the song that ushered me into puberty.

I never did stop loving little girls.
>> No. 1123 [Edit]
I love mahou shoujo, it's one of my favorite anime genres. Nothing beats watching little girls be cute, transform, fight bad guys, and heal hearts.

One of my favorites that I think doesn't get enough love or attention is the relatively recent Umi Monogatari, which a lot of people seem to think sucks. I think is has great character development and music, and avoids most of the pitfalls of the genre. It's directed by Jun'ichi Satou and I actually like it even more than Princess Tutu (though if I wanted to get specific I like the first half of Princess Tutu more, but the second half less).

It's a good one, though it took me about a dozen episodes to really get into it. The characters are absolutely awesome, which makes even the filler episodes enjoyable. Which is good because there's a ton of filler. It's also more inspirational than any other mahou shoujo I've seen.
>> No. 1125 [Edit]
It looks great. I had thought about trying Umi Monogatari as well, and if it's as you say it is I think I'll like it. 12 Episodes seems short compared to other mahou shoujos though.
>> No. 1126 [Edit]
File 129385042387.jpg - (118.29KB , 1280x720 , Umi-Monogatari-01-Large-02.jpg )
>Umi Monogatari
Nothing extraordinary, but I did liked it.
Some nice (moving/funny) moments; really pretty girls.
>> No. 1132 [Edit]
I think the brevity is one of its strong points, because I feel that even the best long-running mahou shoujo usually drag at some points. Heartcatch Precure is the only exception I can think of.
>> No. 1137 [Edit]
Precure is my favorite. The best.
>> No. 1153 [Edit]
Teehee, I just finished it myself. Very good, though I didn't like the movies quite as much as the series itself.

It's funny. I see plenty of people defending localizations, no matter how bad, of all kinds of older material. CCS appears to have none, or at least very few. Mahou shoujo fans have taste.
>> No. 1156 [Edit]
Which Precure series would you consider to be the best?

I only got into it when HeartCatch started airing, but have now almost finished the original and am loving it.
>> No. 1187 [Edit]

Futari wa Precure is the best

Heartcatch is good too
>> No. 1655 [Edit]
File 129645329355.jpg - (574.32KB , 1280x720 , [Chihiro]_Hime_Chen!_Otogi_Chikku_Idol_Lilpri_-_40.jpg )
Currently watching and enjoying Hime Chen, which is technically a Mahou Shoujo I guess, even if the transformations are extremely short, tacked on and down right pointless in many episodes.
It might not be very popular at all, and doesn't really have that much going for it, But I find it very adorable and a joy to watch.

Also, little red ridding hood~
so cute!
>> No. 1657 [Edit]
Well that is very true for the American dub. Many people that grew up with it miss the dub that aired on Australian TV.

>> No. 1903 [Edit]
Full Moon is my favorite
>> No. 2574 [Edit]
File 130081955151.jpg - (576.21KB , 1280x720 , [Chihiro]_Hime_Chen!_Otogi_Chikku_Idol_Lilpri_-_44.jpg )
Ryoku has become pretty cool lately.
>> No. 4089 [Edit]
  Bumping this (didn't realize it was all the way back on the last page) because I've been really getting into Sailor Moon recently. I only planned on watching it because it's a mahou shoujo essential and for nostalgia (it was my first anime back when I was like 6) and wasn't expecting it to be very good. It turned out to be awesome and I blew through the 46 episodes of the first season faster than any other season of anime in recent memory, even ones that were only 12 episodes. I liked how unlike other long-running mahou shoujo it manages to consistently work the overarching plot into the monster of the week episodes, and how it has actual romance, kind of. Plus the humor is great thanks to how amazing Usagi is. I just hope it can keep it up for the next 150+ episodes. I'm looking forward to the Ikuhara directed episodes, though of course Satou Junichi is a great director as well.

The second OP is pretty cool.
>> No. 4093 [Edit]
I've never really watched Mahou Shoujo. I watched Madoka and enjoyed it but the genre itself is outside of my normal comfort zone. Anyone got any good recommendations for a couple of baby's first?
>> No. 4094 [Edit]
Madoka is as much of a Mahou Shoujo as Naruto is a true to life and accurate depiction of life as a ninja.
and this is a thread for, you know, real Mahou Shoujo anime, the kind of stuff made for little girls, not hipsters.
>> No. 4095 [Edit]
No reason to be hostile. I'm genuinely interested in the genre.
>> No. 4098 [Edit]
Any of the big names: Sailor Moon, Card Captor Sakura, Shugo Chara, Precure (Heart Catch would be a good one).
>> No. 4100 [Edit]
Thanks, going to add them all to my plan to watch list.
>> No. 4114 [Edit]
Anyamaru Tantei
Anyamaru Tantei
Anyamaru Tantei
Anyamaru Tantei
Anyamaru Tantei
Anyamaru Tantei
Anyamaru Tantei
>> No. 4115 [Edit]
>> No. 4116 [Edit]
Is it just me or do cure black and white in OPs image have the most melancholy and completely spaced out expressions ever?
It's like if they were doing a meet and greet with fans, and after 5 hours of autographs and photo shots, all they can think is "This day will never end"

Post edited on 31st May 2011, 12:30am
>> No. 4117 [Edit]
If you're talking about the one on the left, I didn't get that impression at all.

In fact, I thought she was rather alert, and expressive. Her eyes are wide open, and her eyebrows are clearly angled in a classic tsundere position. It's incredibly hard to make out, but the lips seem to be pretty pouty, which only reinforces this disposition.

Also, that's pink, broski. She is damn cute though.
>> No. 4118 [Edit]
File 130682848488.jpg - (270.42KB , 1181x1200 , 12063.jpg )
Kind of.
>> No. 4119 [Edit]
Any other recommendations for non-fighting mahou shoujo? They tend to be better than the cookie-cutter monster-of-the-week ones in general, Princess Tutu and Ojamajo I've already seen and they were really great.
>> No. 4120 [Edit]
Is it strange i have no idea what pretty cure is?
i never even heard of them until recently.
>> No. 4121 [Edit]
I don't think so. It's not something that was actively discussed after the first season aired until Heartcatch came along. The only real reason Heartcatch caught on was because Yoshihiko Umakoshi was behind the character designs, and a lead animator for a few key episodes (while /a/ was still hopped up on Casshern Sins). I like Pretty Cure just for how genuinely good the slice of life aspects tend to be, rather than whatever monster they're punching this week (though those parts are good too).
>> No. 4235 [Edit]
File 130747926484.jpg - (69.52KB , 500x499 , Fancy_Lala_191497.jpg )
-Fancy Lala: best magical girl ever. period.
-Kiki's Delivery's Service : Miyazaki's take on the magical girl genre, fabulous.
-Minky Momo : probably the most legendary magical girl ever created. A plot twist around the second third of the series traumatized every otaku who watched it in the early 80's.

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