No. 10990
I quick glance over the list and I see nothing of interest.
but after a few more passovers I notice there are actually a few shows that should prove interesting.
As someone who kinda liked chaos head (even if for petty reasons), and thought Steins;Gate was interesting, for the most part. I'll be sure to check out Robotics;Notes, I'm sure it should prove neat, who doesn't like Robots?.
Everyone has been wanting a little busters anime for what seems like forever, and while It's a bit odd to see JC doing it rather than kyo, but that shouldn't be that big of a deal, hopefully.
would be a fool to miss it.
A long time back I tried watching a Jojo ova thing, was extremely odd that the first half looked somewhat modern yet the second half looked like it was made in the 80's, and I for one didn't think it was the horrible pile of crap people make it out to be. still, if this is supposed to be a lot better than that, It'll probably be awesome, though I'm still expecting to see a lot of complains about it not being faithful to the manga.
I found the first season of Seitokai no Ichizon pretty darn nice, and welcome a second season, even though I'm sure I'll really hate some of the references this time around.
initial D fifth stage, easily looking forward to this one more than any other, even if some of the past stages were a little lackluster.
Edit: seems it was removed from a updated version of this chart, damn.
If girls und panzer is anything like uppot! I'm sure it would be a fun and very enjoyable anime.
and it seems to be a common comparison.
I guess I've got some slight interest in checking out kyousogiga, if nothing else to make sense of that horrid nonsensical ova, which was said to really just be a preview for this, we'll just have to see about that.
kinda curious if aikatsu is gonna be anything like Hime Chen, I loved that show...
If I ever bring myself to finish the second season of hayate, I might check out the third, but that seems unlikely.
but then again, it's said to be completely independent from the other anime so far, and it's not being done by JC surprisingly enough, so who knows.
There's also the macross fb7 movie there, but I'm sure we wont see subs or even raws on that for at least a year after it comes out.
Post edited on 23rd Aug 2012, 4:26am