No. 1101
1. TWGOK, probably. At least, it's the only show I was able to enjoy consistently. I also liked Oreimo, though I'm aware of the general contention regarding that one.
2. Honestly, I did not really HATE anything, but if I had to choose, I'd say Panty and Stocking. I love the show's art and soundtrack (and occasionally, some of the concepts), but overall I thought it was fairly disappointing. The humor fell flat for me, and while I knew the it was not aiming to have any kind of plot or intellectual depth, I still hoped after episode 6 and, later, 12. The ending was the biggest let-down of all.
That said, I still enjoyed watching it on a weekly basis, but if I had to marathon it? Never.
3. Chuck to the Future: Part III. It didn't help that I'd expected it to be plot-related at first.