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File 129359459596.jpg - (410.06KB , 1400x982 , worldgodonlyknows.jpg )
1075 No. 1075
OK, with Fall 2010 drawing to a close let's reflect on the shows we've watched and talk about:

1. Our Favorite
2. Our Most Hated
3. Our Biggest WTF moment, good or bad, in any series we watched.

Feel free to elaborate, guys. I wanna hear some meta.
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>> No. 1078
1. Hard.. I haven't started Bakuman and I really liked Ikamusume. So far Milky Homesu.
2. Oreimo.
3. Stocking ending.

Don't have anything else to elaborate. I'm just simple like that.
>> No. 1079
1. MM! because of Mio (though they're all up there)
2. None hated, though the least liked was probably OreImo due to the retarded pacing at times
3. P&S finale always
>> No. 1080
Man, I don't even remember what's aired this year.
>> No. 1081
2. I don't hate it... but I got bored with Ika and dropped it after the 6th episode.
3. I'm not sure, I expected something weird with P&S so I wasn't surprised.
>> No. 1082
1. milky Holmes.
It's cute and hilariously random and off the wall.

2. pantie and stalking.
Didn't care much for the art style of it, or its content.

3. >Biggest WTF moment
That would probably have to be the scene in milky Holmes in the woods when that bare blew up the planet.
>> No. 1083
File 129360019922.jpg - (131.24KB , 1280x720 , [Baaka] Tantei Opera Milky Holmes - 06 [1280x720][.jpg )
1. Heartcatch Precure. Milky Holmes comes so very close, but Heartcatch has been my friend for the entire year, and has kept up a superb level of quality throughout.

2. Nothing really. I didn't care for Heroman and dropped it, but I didn't hate it.

3. Milky Holmes every single episode.
>> No. 1085
I just realized I didn't contribute.


1. MM! This was tough because I actually had a lot of favorites this season but I thought that the sweetly subversive notion that everyone has fetishes and there is no right and wrong (for the most part) when it comes to how you get your kicks as long as no one gets hurt. Unless, of course, you are the main character and in that case getting hurt IS your fetish. It could easily have been dismissed as a typical moƩ/ecchi series but it managed to render some very human characters and not just character designs. There were some very tender moments throughout... and it was freaking hilarious.

2. Super Robot Taisen OG This series could really have been great. It boasted some interesting themes (politics/war) and excellent mecha designs and just fell flat on the delivery. All this was to me was a vehicle to sell model kits.

3. Had to be when Hayama pulls off his wig in the first episode of the series. I did NOT see this coming and it was my first clue that this show was going to be more than face value.
>> No. 1087
Here. Upon re-reading the OP, this is just for fall? I saw 2010 and assumed it was the whole year you were asking about.

1. P&S, although since the new season of TLR went as well as it could, that's nice too.
2. My Little Sister can't be this Bitchy.
3. Stocking. I should of expected something stupid like that, but I didn't.
>> No. 1088
1. It's tough. I liked almost the entirety of TWGOK, and MM! is the biggest surprise and the most underrated anime of the season. At first, I had no intention of watching it, but I eventually liked the show quite a lot. It had likeable characters (well, almost everyone in that show was likeable) and it was hilarious as fuck. I was fucking smiling almost through the entire show. So I would have to go with MM!, because I enjoyed it the most.

2. Not much. But I didn't enjoy Squid Girl nor PSG. Can't say I hate them. But I dislike the majority of the PSG fanbase.

3. Milky Holmes, Milky Holmes, Milky Holmes. Everything in that show is random as fuck. Only those who did not watch the show would call it a 'typical pretentious moe show'. Maybe that's why I ended up with WTF moments almost through the entire series.
>> No. 1089
Crap, since I also mistakenly assumed this was for the whole year, this is my opinion for the fall.

1. P&S
2. None, though I'm honestly tempted to say P&S because there were a few episodes that I didn't like.
3. Either the P&S ending or pretty much every moment in Milky Holmes like cat buttplug, bananas, erect nipples, etc.
>> No. 1090
I also cannot read.
>> No. 1092
The biggest WTF must have been:

Hint 1: It's not a finger.
>> No. 1093

Confirmed for God Tier tastes, although I actually did enjoy P&S+G. TWOGK was vying for #1 with me. I thought it had some pretty fantastic elements of satire. Not to mention a great OP.

Milky Holmes was right up there, also. I'm right there with you on the way some people might try to dismiss it. I tend to ignore trends as much as possible and just like what I like.
>> No. 1096

We've got a thread for 2010 as a whole already.

1. Kuragehime
2. I didn't hate it but yeah, Oreimo was dull.
3. Discovering Maniwa Pengin was a boy. Seriously. After listening to him again he does use 'boku', I just never paid attention to it.
>> No. 1101
1. TWGOK, probably. At least, it's the only show I was able to enjoy consistently. I also liked Oreimo, though I'm aware of the general contention regarding that one.

2. Honestly, I did not really HATE anything, but if I had to choose, I'd say Panty and Stocking. I love the show's art and soundtrack (and occasionally, some of the concepts), but overall I thought it was fairly disappointing. The humor fell flat for me, and while I knew the it was not aiming to have any kind of plot or intellectual depth, I still hoped after episode 6 and, later, 12. The ending was the biggest let-down of all.

That said, I still enjoyed watching it on a weekly basis, but if I had to marathon it? Never.

3. Chuck to the Future: Part III. It didn't help that I'd expected it to be plot-related at first.
>> No. 1121
2. I would say Panty and Stocking but I dropped it after one episode so I can't judge it too fairly. So I'll go with Bakuman, which I don't exactly hate but it's so damn dull.
3. So much shit in Milky Holmes, I couldn't even begin to choose.
>> No. 1136
1. Ore No Imouto - I can understand why most people would hate it, but it's just a really great anime for me. Well animated, had tons of laughs, many references, and had superb voice acting. -- Had a really hard time choosing either Amagami/ P&S/ or Tatami Galaxy.

2. TWGOK, it got boring. The first part was the best though, with the athletic girl; after that, it pretty much sucked for me.

3. To be honest, I kind of expected the troll ending for P&S, actually; P&S would be in this category if it had a normal ending. The biggest WTF moment for me is when Kyousuke(OreImo) made a Rance reference in an episode. He said "LET ME SHOW YOU MY HYPER WEAPON!". Was so awesome.

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