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File 134380442334.jpg - (197.28KB , 1280x720 , 2012-08-01_035808.jpg )
10654 No. 10654 [Edit]
How's everyone enjoying this second season?
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>> No. 10655 [Edit]
I'm ever so slowly finishing the first.
>> No. 10680 [Edit]
I'm sort of interested in the blue haired girl, but I'm not sure what to expect if I start marathoning the first season just for the second.
>> No. 10694 [Edit]
File 134392422958.jpg - (145.32KB , 1280x720 , 2012-08-01_035428.jpg )

Giant robots, intergalactic battles, yuri and slice of life.

It's nothing incredibly impressive, but it's a pretty fun watch. The OPs and EDs are stylish as fuck.
>> No. 10705 [Edit]

The subtle but obvious yuri got me hooked.
>> No. 10708 [Edit]
What's to like about yuri?
>> No. 10709 [Edit]

Cute girls being cute girls with other cute girls, while they (cutely) save the world.

What's not to like?
>> No. 10712 [Edit]
It's just icky.
>> No. 10713 [Edit]
It's fine that you think that, but I do not find it to be nor think of it as “icky”.
>> No. 10714 [Edit]

I agree with this gentleman.
>> No. 10715 [Edit]
File 134403982179.jpg - (142.16KB , 1280x720 , 2012-08-03_212318.jpg )

There's nothing icky about the purest form of love.
>> No. 10743 [Edit]
File 13442263921.jpg - (133.98KB , 1280x720 , [Underwater] Rinne no Lagrange - 17 (720p) [380A15.jpg )


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