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File 134160933915.jpg - (1.53MB , 1920x1200 , 440089.jpg )
10266 No. 10266 [Edit]
Anyone of you watching this? Thoughts?
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>> No. 10267 [Edit]
I got pretty bored half way through the first episode. It's just so cut-and-paste.
>> No. 10268 [Edit]
I was the same. I thought the part in the clubroom was pretty cute, but I lost interest completely once it shifted onto the election or whatever it was. I thought this was going be more like Amagami SS, but I was sadly mistaken.
>> No. 10293 [Edit]
The first episode was pretty meh, but I guess it got potenial. I'm not expecting much though since it's based on a eroge VN
>> No. 10297 [Edit]
I don't think I made it past the OP.
>> No. 10298 [Edit]
Dropped like a rock after MC gets waken up by childhood friend and then slapped for having morning wood
>> No. 10928 [Edit]
File 134531898434.jpg - (157.78KB , 1275x717 , madoka.jpg )
Too cute.
>> No. 10930 [Edit]
File 134531985751.jpg - (45.67KB , 600x338 , oojima.jpg )
Latest episodes were pretty good. Seems everything starts now.

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