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1019 No. 1019
I've been meaning to start this thread for months now and I'm finally bored enough to do so.

So... Does anybody else hate watching the shows as they air? I usually download everything that looks interesting over the course of a season and then I either marathon it or watch it at my pace (like Zoku Natsume Yuujinchou - I'm at ep 6 and I haven't seen a single episode this year - it's too good to just waste it on a marathon). If the anime is episodic there's no need to follow it on weekly basis as you might as well watch it whenever you feel like it. If it's not I always lack the patience to wait a week for next episode.
Also it almost pisses me off when people forgo all the classics and only watch the shows that are currently airing. Why would someone do that?

I know I'm not the only marathoner on /tc/. ... Right?
>> No. 1020
I used to do that, then I realized I didn't enjoy the series as much as I do when I watch them once a week.
>> No. 1021
I think some shows like Code Geass are better to what while they're airing, but I prefer to marathon most things I watch
>> No. 1024

I've watched both season of Geass over the course of two days.

Actually three, but on the first day I've only seen the first epsiode (with 24 on second the day and 25 on the third).
>> No. 1025
i marathoned the first and then watched the second as it was airing
it really built up the suspence having to wait a week between the episodes
>> No. 1026
I'm with you, OP. I acquire things as they air, but enjoy watching the full series all at once.
>> No. 1027
I don't watch anything as it airs.

Luckily, the torrent site I go to only allows full series uploads and they usually put up a batch before the translation site does.
>> No. 1028
Depends on the show to be honest

If it has minimal plot, simple stuff to get and no underlying deep meanings I can pick up due to being desperate. I'd rather just marathon it

If its something that's deep, more that catches the eye I'd rather be able to "think" it over though the week.

But I don't really watch that much anyway. so eh
>> No. 1029
Wow, it's the exact opposite for me. If it's something that has a serious overarching plot, I'd rather marathon it (unless I really can't wait) since I like watching it all in one-go. But if it's something kind of lighthearted with episodic plot, it'd be boring for me to marathon it so I have to space it out by watching it weekly as they air.
>> No. 1030
I have a hard time marathoning. Probably explains my huge backlog of anime still.

Several anime aired this year on the back burner only partly watched, some older stuff on-hold with 2-3 episodes remaining, etc. Plot doesn't make a difference for me.
>> No. 1032
I find it hard to marathoning more then 6 ep of anime at a time 13 being the most I've ever done in a single sitting I think, but it is nice being able to watch an episode a day or wherever you feel like it and not having to wait a week for the next part of the story if the episode you were on ended with a cliff hanger.
When Watching Darker then black for example, I would watch it in pairs, two episodes at a time because of how all the episodes were set up in a part one/two type way.
That's one show that I wouldn't have liked to have watched as it was airing for sure.
I've also had some very memorable experiences with marathoning anime, such as marathoning Nanoha out in my car with heavy pouring rain outside.
Then of course there the fact that if you wait until a show is over, you help yourself to some dvd rips, and skip all the QUALITY everyone got who watched it as it aired.
but that's not to say watching a show as it airs doesn't also have its benefits, if you don't watch a show as it airs, you miss the chance to really talk about each episode as it goes on with others, and for that matter, people talking about a show you're holding off on might spoil it for you.
Then there's the fact that they don't usually make very much merchandise for older shows, so if you just got around to watching something and you really like it, the merch for it might have become hard to find by that time.
It's also generally good just to stay up to date on what's new in the world of anime.
Anyway, I guess I like both.
>> No. 1040
I keep up to date on what's airing, that I'm watching, and marathon older shows.
>> No. 1045
I go through cycles.

Some seasons I can follow 10 series at a time, while others I do nothing but marathon older ones. I guess it just depends on what's airing that season, and how busy I may be.
>> No. 1046
I like doing it, but I don't have the time. I'm already two or three seasons behind.
>> No. 1047
I really don't like watching shows as they air, it's too much of a hassle for me to download individual episodes. I just wait for BD/DVD rips to come out and watch those. I generally watch shows much slower than 1 episode a week so it's not an issue of timing, just of convenience.
>> No. 1048
I only half-marathon. I have marathoned a couple series (Welcome to the NHK, for example), and I still sometimes marathon manga, but I don't have the attention span to really marathon a series anymore.

I do hate to watch one episode a week though -- if I'm watching something it'll usually be one or two per night.
>> No. 1052
I usually marathon them in bursts. Sometimes three episodes at a time, or four episodes at a time depending on the anime series.
>> No. 1053
Is me.

The downside I'm noticing is that, by waiting until a season is over before I start watching, I tend to miss stuff that might be interesting.

Then again there are an absurd number of shows from past seasons, stretching back into the 80s or earlier, that I should be giving a chance too.

Too much anime!
>> No. 1058
I usually end up doing a marathon of most shows that end up catching my eye early in the season. Mostly because if it's weekly, I'll end up watching the first 2-3 episodes, and end up falling out of the series. I noticed it happened with Kimi no Todoke, Kampfer, Eden of the East, for the most recent examples...With a marathon, I can just watch the episode in bulk, and get 'into it' more. I really do prefer a marathon than the weekly installments.

The most recent series I watched in less than 3 days was Angel Beats. It was excellent (I'd say it's my favorite series of the year, then again, I missed out on a lot of shows). The only drawback I felt was the fact that I missed out on all of the discussions, and now it's not as relevant.
>> No. 1102
Personally, I prefer to watch things as they air. It's more exciting for me and also draws on less of my patience.
>> No. 1103
I love watching stuff as it airs. It gives me time to digest each episode individually.

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