No. 10162
Within 23 minutes, this AMAZING show actually made fun of our very current system of humanity:
1. The separation of human from the true source of their food: pretty ladies, including the main character, had ZERO idea on how live chicken turn into chicken-on-a-plate. I personally have met countless people who doesn't even know how to gut a fish, and find it 'disgusting' to do even the simplest food preparation.
2. Pretty chicken-eating girls refuse the idea of killing a chicken. Oh I'm so morally high. Haven't you met in real life those who switch around "I'm going vegan" and "I'm going veggie" and "I eat meat now" within a few months, just because it is hip / politically correct.
3. The problem with the so called 'democratic' meeting, in which men spend HOURS debating just for the sake of debating. This happens a LOT in the Japanese Parliament.... Oh wait, it happens in our US Congress too, I guess?
4. The MAIN character displayed her DARK SIDE during and after the Chase-the-chicken incident. The main character ain't exempt from the weakness of mankind. To cover up her mistake, she LIED in plain sight about receiving UNCC messages. In her OWN words: Hiding the Truth, Manipulative information, Intimidation.
5. The receptionist in the factory had NO idea what he's talking about, and has NO SHAME at all to admit his failure to honor his duty. "I get money, I don't care, it just my job". I am SURE you've met someone like that in your society.
6. The camera picture sound effect. Do you know WHY we have sound effects when cell phones take pictures? It is to prevent people from taking upskirt pictures in crowded subways. High tech, low moral. VERY human.
7. Have you been to the Hershey Chocolate Factory in PA and go to their tour? IT IS CREEPY.
8. The artificially synthesized carrot bread. It is aimed at children who don't like carrots. It's like our "Diet Coke", people are so demanding and addicted to get the taste they want, but don't even want ANY compromise. They want it SO BAD they are willing to ingest artificial crap and call it food / drink.