moe moe kyun~

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File 134065094986.gif - (699.51KB , 480x270 , kyoko awakens.gif )
10080 No. 10080 [Edit]
Expand all images
>> No. 10081 [Edit]
But not soon enough!
>> No. 10090 [Edit]
This gif accurately represents my reaction to the news of a second season.
>> No. 10129 [Edit]
File 134108091898.jpg - (202.20KB , 600x812 , chinatsu 2.jpg )
>> No. 10131 [Edit]
I can't wait, hopefully it won't dissapoint since I have high expectations
>> No. 10148 [Edit]
Why would you expect anything from it? The first one was just lesbian moeshit, it's not like it set the bar very high. I mean, the worst that happens is that one of them gets a boyfriend or becomes ugly or something.
>> No. 10161 [Edit]

I think you're missing the point, or looking for one where there simply is none.
>> No. 10173 [Edit]
File 134124151162.jpg - (76.17KB , 450x590 , 21735c42.jpg )
Slightly related: There is a spin-off manga just announced that focuses on Sakurako and her sisters. They are to be released after each episode of Yuru Yuri 2 airs.
>> No. 10175 [Edit]
Himawari is still gonna be in it, right?
>> No. 10179 [Edit]
The opening joke didn't need to take up half the episode time but other than that I liked the new episode.

Also, is this gonna be a 12 episode season?

Post edited on 2nd Jul 2012, 12:42pm
>> No. 10180 [Edit]
File 134126247688.png - (1.48MB , 1280x720 , grab06039.png )

99% sure it's going to be 12.
>> No. 10185 [Edit]
File 13412811161.gif - (0.99MB , 500x271 , kyoko and yui rock.gif )
>> No. 10191 [Edit]
Yeah it was kind of starting to drag on..
>> No. 10194 [Edit]
File 134130797638.jpg - (105.65KB , 1280x720 , [FFF] Yuru Yuri S2 - 01 [A869FB61]_mkv_snapshot_12.jpg )
>> No. 10195 [Edit]
File 134130798153.jpg - (185.03KB , 1440x810 , art.jpg )
I still dig her style.
>> No. 10197 [Edit]
File 134130852896.jpg - (65.87KB , 1280x720 , [FFF] Yuru Yuri S2 - 01 [A869FB61]_mkv_snapshot_16.jpg )
Now this is how you do a fog censor.

not like this >>9865
>> No. 10201 [Edit]
  Am I the only one they didn't use the song from PV for OP or ED? I really liked it, the new OP/ED combo is a bit bland.

Shin translated one of Yuru Yuri CD dramas and plans to do the others as well. It's nothing great but if you are desperate for your Yuru Yuri fix...


Jesus Christ how horrifying.
>> No. 10202 [Edit]
File 134132765836.jpg - (670.42KB , 1277x1190 , 1341250447107.jpg )
>> No. 10203 [Edit]
File 134132770566.jpg - (332.31KB , 1440x1619 , 1341274762021.jpg )
>> No. 10204 [Edit]
File 13413277355.jpg - (202.70KB , 1710x810 , 1341274792480.jpg )
>> No. 10205 [Edit]
File 134132786080.jpg - (215.44KB , 1734x810 , 1341274855644.jpg )
>> No. 10206 [Edit]
File 134132788858.png - (324.77KB , 1060x869 , 1341278528277.png )
>> No. 10207 [Edit]
File 134132795455.jpg - (446.07KB , 1200x800 , 1341227776708.jpg )
>> No. 10208 [Edit]
File 134132813747.jpg - (315.90KB , 1280x1440 , Akarin~.jpg )
Is Akarin the lewdest Yuru?
>> No. 10209 [Edit]
File 134134240932.gif - (725.37KB , 500x281 , 167.gif )
>> No. 10210 [Edit]
She has dreams set in a world where everyone she knows desperately wants to lick her, so maybe.
>> No. 10211 [Edit]
I for one am glad they didn't use that OP, it looks like the opening to a eroge.
>> No. 10212 [Edit]
File 134136609151.jpg - (169.93KB , 1440x810 , nee-san.jpg )
Well, patological sexual behaviour is in her genes.
>> No. 10213 [Edit]

She's definitely the biggest lesbian of them all.
>> No. 10214 [Edit]
Season 1 kind of painted her as being the only straight character in the show.
>> No. 10215 [Edit]
Yui never really showed any overt lesbianness either
>> No. 10218 [Edit]
Just becuase she wasn't slutty about it and trying to rape the other girls, doesn't mean she wasn't a lesbian.
In my opinion, I think that makes her the most realistic lesbian of the bunch.
Akarin seemed legitimately bothered by the whole lesbian thing, or at least uninterested but I guess Chinatsu broke her when she forced herself onto Akarin.
>> No. 10222 [Edit]
I'd say that Akari just has an aversion to Chinatsu, not to the whole girl/girl thing.

Post edited on 4th Jul 2012, 12:05am
>> No. 10233 [Edit]

Yeah, that's the joke. Akarin not getting all the innuendo remarks and saying stuff like 'wow, they are so close together, I wish I had friends like that' was a running joke in S1. But it turns out that deep down Akari is a lewd girl.

Or did Chinatsu's molesting have (un)expected results? That'd be in line with your standard yuri cliches where rape = love.
>> No. 10235 [Edit]
Sakurako spin-off ch 1
>> No. 10238 [Edit]
File 134140679687.jpg - (122.40KB , 1440x810 , how to dissapear completely.jpg )
I agree. Actually, I think that was stated here by someone, as the very reason why she was considered so lame and eventually transparent/nonexistent in the YY universe (remember she became like that until they all reached puberty).

Post edited on 4th Jul 2012, 6:20am
>> No. 10246 [Edit]
File 134147852927.png - (1.18MB , 1280x720 , vlcsnap-2012-04-11-13h24m08s19.png )
the animation quality really tanked for s2
>> No. 10247 [Edit]
Looked fine to me.
Loved the new episode by the way.
>> No. 10269 [Edit]
File 134161421936.gif - (951.98KB , 496x279 , himawari boob smash.gif )
>> No. 10306 [Edit]
Why do they censor cockroaches? IM@S did that too
>> No. 10307 [Edit]
Because they're gross, anime censors things that are gross.
>> No. 10308 [Edit]
Because cockroaches are disgusting, vile creatures of filth.

The only exception to this is Gokicha-chan thanks to anthropomorphism.
>> No. 10310 [Edit]
File 134187494716.gif - (592.07KB , 500x289 , rock paper scissors.gif )
>> No. 10341 [Edit]
File 134205407746.jpg - (761.64KB , 1279x1436 , koi.jpg )
what I tell you
>> No. 10345 [Edit]
ep2 reminded me just how awesome this show is.
>> No. 10376 [Edit]
File 134233414394.jpg - (302.76KB , 1276x1355 , table himawari.jpg )
This is me when I see a spider
>> No. 10405 [Edit]
an entire episode about himawari and sakurako. it's like they read my mind
>> No. 10419 [Edit]
File 134249169273.gif - (486.89KB , 256x190 , akari tv.gif )
>> No. 10423 [Edit]
File 134251258731.png - (686.42KB , 1280x720 , vlcsnap-2012-07-17-04h08m16s220.png )
Never change Chinatsu.
>> No. 10426 [Edit]
File 134255456257.gif - (0.97MB , 210x270 , kyouko-being-the-mirracle-of-the-universe-cropped.gif )
I watched the OP at least ten times before watching 03. And then I watched the whole thing again.
>> No. 10432 [Edit]
File 13425829493.jpg - (73.55KB , 844x479 , IT BEGINS.jpg )
<---- I had forgotten...

To be honest, I miss the old one. I normally fast forward OPs, but I always enjoyed that one.
>> No. 10433 [Edit]
File 134258302915.jpg - (253.54KB , 846x1432 , sis.jpg )
I thought she had buns too.
>> No. 10434 [Edit]
She has one bun, in the back
>> No. 10437 [Edit]
I don't even watch YY, but Akarin's sister is surely tons of waifu material.
>> No. 10438 [Edit]
she hasn't really been in the show at all actually, aside from a look at her room in the first episode and a shot of her back when akari is in the kitchen
>> No. 10445 [Edit]
File 134262344043.jpg - (167.04KB , 750x800 , 1341908770530.jpg )
Best hairstyle
Best voice
Best personality

Best Yuru
>> No. 10446 [Edit]
Sakurako spin-off ch 2

Sakurako spin-off ch 3

This week's ep made me realize how important Kyouko and Yui are to the show. You see people complaining about how side characters are more interesting than the main cast in cute girls doing cute things shows quite a lot but in this case - as much as I like Sakurako and Himawari - they are better as side characters. It gets a lot less interesting without boke Kyouko and tsukkomi Yui.
>> No. 10453 [Edit]
File 134270699646.jpg - (69.11KB , 1024x576 , yuru-yuri-episode-10-048.jpg )
I totally agree. Without Kyouko on screen, I'm not always smiling... My heart feels empty.
>> No. 10454 [Edit]
Kyouko is the best part of the show.
>> No. 10456 [Edit]

Oh gosh, I forgot all about that manga. Thanks for the reminder (and the links!)
>> No. 10463 [Edit]
File 134277999517.jpg - (892.61KB , 1422x2075 , yuru.jpg )
Akarin's sister is freakin awesome.
>> No. 10479 [Edit]
File 134289315820.gif - (313.57KB , 480x270 , sakurako tantrum.gif )
>> No. 10481 [Edit]
Not often you see girls in anime act like real teenage girls.
>> No. 10485 [Edit]

And yet, it still manages to be cute when they do it.
>> No. 10491 [Edit]

The wonders of 2D.
>> No. 10503 [Edit]
File 134306513252.jpg - (39.05KB , 480x640 , cake.jpg )
According to pixiv, today is Akarin's birthday!
>> No. 10504 [Edit]
File 134307289229.jpg - (94.58KB , 1280x720 , delivery.jpg )
cute delivery
>> No. 10510 [Edit]
File 13431231781.png - (311.78KB , 600x707 , a832a2b3fda72efda0cc06beb873fcbb.png )
Yesterday was her birthday?

I feel ashamed for not doing anything special for my second favorite character in this show.
>> No. 10511 [Edit]
File 13431305174.png - (515.78KB , 1257x699 , Untitled-1.png )
>> No. 10512 [Edit]
so wise
>> No. 10542 [Edit]
File 134331559567.png - (1.22MB , 1280x720 , grab13364.png )
I no longer know whom to consider cuter. Kyouko or Sakurako...
>> No. 10543 [Edit]
I like them both, but Sakurako has the fang...
>> No. 10555 [Edit]
File 134336023194.jpg - (42.87KB , 500x500 , 1343113431231.jpg )
>> No. 10556 [Edit]
File 134336074334.jpg - (106.08KB , 1280x720 , sakurako stars.jpg )
it's OK Kyoko, in this world of cute surplus there's really no need to choose just one!
>> No. 10559 [Edit]
I don't know, Kyouko is really cute and just looking at her is enough to give off how cute she is, but that one mean joke to Akari in the last episode wasn't all that cute.

Sakurako on the other hand has been getting a lot of exposure with the episodes about her and the spin off manga about her and her sisters, and has pretty much shown that she really loves Himawari, even if she's immature about it.

I'm gonna need to see more from Kyouko before I can give a full judgement, but Sakurako is winning with all that she is displaying.
>> No. 10564 [Edit]
File 134336640472.jpg - (449.03KB , 1072x1259 , evidence.jpg )
>I'm gonna need to see more

I rest my case.
>> No. 10566 [Edit]
I meant for season 2, since Kyouko is already the undisputed champion of season 1.

Season one is dead and doesn't count, while season 2 is a whole new thing at least to me. So Sakurako is winning because she has had more screen time and also has had a chance to show off her cute side a bit more. I'm not saying that she's better than Kyouko because Kyouko is one of my favorite characters in this show, but that's just how I'm doing my personal little ranking.
>> No. 10569 [Edit]
File 134337038660.gif - (961.91KB , 500x281 , yui gun.gif )
I like Yui more than the other girls (very slightly more). She's cool
>> No. 10580 [Edit]
File 134342064338.jpg - (141.68KB , 715x1000 , a8d3382150e466f3bbba6f519ba9a831.jpg )
They're both great.
>> No. 10583 [Edit]

Well... Kyouko is the best right now.
>> No. 10592 [Edit]
>the spin off manga about her and her sisters

Is himawari in that with her? Her and sakurako are together so much they are practically one character in my mind and it would be weird to me if she wasn't
>> No. 10593 [Edit]
Unfortunately, no. Himawari does appear, but it's only in one tiny panel at the end of the first chapter.
>> No. 10629 [Edit]
This week's episode was my favorite so far, of both seasons.
>> No. 10631 [Edit]
File 134369094242.jpg - (253.20KB , 1920x1080 , 638cd302.jpg )

Most definitely.
>> No. 10634 [Edit]
File 134371363254.jpg - (408.30KB , 632x1074 , forehead ponytail and the rest.jpg )
It was nice. Though I couldn't help but feeling a bit lonely, while watching at Akari.
>> No. 10636 [Edit]
I love how they focused on Akari instead of focusing on the girls who went to the pool like they usually would.
>> No. 10645 [Edit]
File 134379606545.jpg - (80.91KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] YuruYuri S2 - 05 [720p]_mkv_snapsho.jpg )
Just when I was thinking "man... Akari is having too good of a time. She needs to be trolled," Sakurako comes to the rescue.

I think she might be my new favorite character.
>> No. 10653 [Edit]
File 134380226437.png - (686.67KB , 1280x720 , Akari.png )
Akari is my favorite Yuru. I love hearing her cries, but I don't like to see bad things happen to her. It's a shame that she had nothing but bad luck in the last episode. Her bad luck reminds me of my own.
>> No. 10656 [Edit]
File 134382978891.gif - (0.96MB , 500x289 , 87666848.gif )

I thought it was so mean when she was trying to take it easy on the bench and they kept bugging her.
>> No. 10658 [Edit]
File 134383444747.gif - (2.52MB , 400x225 , [Zero-Raws]-Yuru-Yuri-2---05-(TX-1280x720-x264-AAC.gif )
>> No. 10662 [Edit]
so damn cute
>> No. 10665 [Edit]
is there a gif of her just doing that wiggling at the beginning of this gif, in a loop? that's my favorite
>> No. 10666 [Edit]
File 134384583860.jpg - (281.63KB , 635x1082 , HOT.jpg )
That very moment... I finally started understanding Akarin's sister.
>> No. 10667 [Edit]
File 134384638087.gif - (147.87KB , 340x340 , 1343831680508.gif )
>> No. 10668 [Edit]
thank you!
>> No. 10749 [Edit]
In yuru yuriland, comiket is filled with cute 2D girls and no men, at all. It's paradise
>> No. 10751 [Edit]
File 134428919430.gif - (873.97KB , 500x281 , 567890.gif )
Look at that talent.
>> No. 10754 [Edit]
File 13443054878.jpg - (116.90KB , 674x371 , Mirakuru~n!!!.jpg )
I could be a fan of this show. Easily.
>> No. 10758 [Edit]
File 134433943250.png - (0.98MB , 1280x720 , 898780.png )
>> No. 10767 [Edit]

IRL it's filled with fujoshi either way.

I've got to say Mirakarun's theme from first season was way better (actually it was the pretty much the best YY-related song out there). Team Giga Giga's theme is pretty kickass, though.

They should just give us a full Mirakurun spin off series like they did with Kujiki Unbalance. Except this one would be good.
>> No. 10772 [Edit]
File 134442891923.gif - (848.29KB , 159x270 , kyouko-being-the-mirracle-of-the-universe2-cropped.gif )
>> No. 10773 [Edit]
I'd bet you any money they have plans (at the very least) for a spin-off, though maybe not for a while.
>> No. 10775 [Edit]
File 134445150430.png - (345.76KB , 604x339 , marichan sour.png )
why must Chinatsu destroy the innocence of all children she comes across
>> No. 10812 [Edit]
File 134454983790.jpg - (104.10KB , 1280x720 , [Commie] Yuru Yuri♪♪ - 02 [9420278F]_mkv_snaps.jpg )
>> No. 10813 [Edit]
File 134455100346.jpg - (128.67KB , 1280x720 , bottle.jpg )
>> No. 10860 [Edit]
File 134488738534.jpg - (149.58KB , 1280x720 , room.jpg )
This is weird, how did they get a picture of my room
>> No. 10861 [Edit]
also I really need some gifs of himawari exercising with that ball
>> No. 10862 [Edit]
It'd be awful IRL though. As bad as you think otaku are, fujoshi are so much worse.
>> No. 10863 [Edit]
File 134489006233.gif - (487.20KB , 480x270 , fmb-35083.gif )

All the gifs of this episode you'll ever need.
>> No. 10864 [Edit]
awesome, thanks
>> No. 10865 [Edit]
File 134490308052.jpg - (88.45KB , 1281x721 , reality.jpg )
[Tonde] version.
>> No. 10866 [Edit]
File 134490373737.gif - (764.46KB , 500x481 , 89814.gif )
Sakurako is not impressed.
>> No. 10867 [Edit]
File 134490397318.gif - (870.24KB , 500x281 , 987564.gif )

Awesome...this episode was great.
>> No. 10868 [Edit]
File 13449055361.jpg - (157.12KB , 1205x689 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
Yup. Only something like this could have pulled on the general lack of Kyouko.
>> No. 10869 [Edit]
File 134490664268.jpg - (64.64KB , 250x392 , akane.jpg )
Which sister was your favourite?
>> No. 10870 [Edit]
File 134490738220.jpg - (427.94KB , 1754x1240 , panty.jpg )
probably akari's sister, I've been hoping she would make a bigger appearance on the show since I saw this page a while ago. I wish there was more mari-chan though
>> No. 10871 [Edit]
File 134490933183.jpg - (168.96KB , 1212x688 , sunday.jpg )
.jpg for the good days.
>> No. 10872 [Edit]
File 134490958447.jpg - (105.29KB , 1220x681 , never again.jpg )
Last time I checked, she was in shock.
>> No. 10874 [Edit]
File 134493128318.jpg - (114.19KB , 1280x720 , [Commie] Yuru Yuri♪♪ - 07 [83076D3C]_mkv_snaps.jpg )

I'd teach her how to use the medicine ball.
>> No. 10875 [Edit]
Anyone else staring at her feet non stop during this scene?
>> No. 10876 [Edit]

Akari's was certainly the most entertaining.
I like how she has no idea how her sister truly feels about her.


I was sort of just looking at her everything.
>> No. 10880 [Edit]
Himawari has made me love big boobs again for the first time since the flow of haganai fanart slowed
>> No. 10890 [Edit]
File 134509046637.png - (219.83KB , 433x750 , 8980.png )
>> No. 10899 [Edit]
File 134517089911.jpg - (740.18KB , 1100x1116 , a1c0d2bf5017ca96ef889c36a693b05e.jpg )
Thanks, this might be useful later on or something.
>> No. 10957 [Edit]
is there a collection of gifs from today's episode?
>> No. 10966 [Edit]
The ending was unexpected.
>> No. 10969 [Edit]
File 134552640110.jpg - (322.48KB , 1920x1080 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
Such a good ending.
>> No. 10971 [Edit]
File 134552784967.jpg - (131.67KB , 1065x592 , gradient.jpg )
Oh! so this is how they do it...
I didn't know.
>> No. 10972 [Edit]
File 134552793222.jpg - (155.44KB , 1060x597 , gorgeous.jpg )
Gorgeous, always, whatever she ever does
>> No. 10973 [Edit]
File 134552804370.jpg - (108.56KB , 1060x593 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
<---- I wonder, myself...

But yeah: this episode was just lovely.
>> No. 10974 [Edit]
File 134552838595.gif - (690.27KB , 500x281 , chinatsu.gif )
the one you're likely looking for the most
>> No. 10975 [Edit]
that's exactly it
>> No. 10976 [Edit]
File 134553092690.png - (1.38MB , 1280x720 , Spoiler Picture.png )
The ending is too much!
>> No. 11043 [Edit]
File 134601816681.gif - (283.18KB , 480x270 , akari looks.gif )
>> No. 11046 [Edit]
File 13460220057.jpg - (97.98KB , 1280x720 , [Commie] Yuru Yuri♪♪ - 08 [DAC4AA38]_mkv_snaps.jpg )
Of course it isn't China.
>> No. 11047 [Edit]
File 134602220939.jpg - (100.20KB , 1280x720 , [Commie] Yuru Yuri♪♪ - 07 [83076D3C]_mkv_snaps.jpg )
Sakurako has a slight overlord-ish mentality... and I like it.
>> No. 11049 [Edit]

That is my favourite part about her.
>> No. 11055 [Edit]
File 134610598161.jpg - (130.59KB , 1440x810 , c190b50d.jpg )
>> No. 11058 [Edit]
File 134610722789.gif - (311.52KB , 500x281 , sakurako boob slap.gif )

so much punishment...

Post edited on 27th Aug 2012, 3:41pm
>> No. 11059 [Edit]
File 134610962097.gif - (1.96MB , 450x253 , 1346107508056.gif )
I'm back with a new batch of gifs /an/.

Buttpleasingly delicious episode.
>> No. 11060 [Edit]
thank you!
>> No. 11061 [Edit]

Highly appreciated, thank you for the effort.
>> No. 11063 [Edit]
File 134611672731.jpg - (180.61KB , 882x992 , really.jpg )
It might look that way, Chinatown, but no: there´s a difference between mischievous genius and honest clinical idiocy...

In your own way, you've also been amazing these days.
>> No. 11064 [Edit]
File 134611676339.jpg - (96.86KB , 1104x622 , lovin it.jpg )
What a beautiful onryo.
>> No. 11066 [Edit]
For some reason I really laughed when those arrows plinked up.
>> No. 11069 [Edit]
I think chinatsu's artistic skills are no worse than that of the typical American. Both can't draw for shit but are blind to that fact. and becuase this holds true for most people in the community, no one complains or criticizes the works. most of the works to come out of deviantart and 4chan are a good example. I can't see humor like chinatsu's drawings working at all in western cartoons, becuase most of them already look like that.

Post edited on 28th Aug 2012, 6:46pm
>> No. 11070 [Edit]
The last part of this ep was a 'what should have been' of last year's Christmas episode. Forget about boring pairings and give me some crack.
>> No. 11073 [Edit]
File 134619343967.jpg - (198.26KB , 1221x685 , alt_art.jpg )
The worst part is many of them devs have started to populate Pixiv as well, as their crap keeps showing up at the front page (they also step in Conceptart, but they don't last for too long there)...

However, I do like Chinatsu style. It's damned wild. Expressionism at its best.
>> No. 11081 [Edit]
File 134625305898.jpg - (74.28KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] YuruYuri S2 - 09 [720p]_mkv_snapsho.jpg )
This episode was pretty funny.
>> No. 11162 [Edit]
This was a good episode. I liked the jokes about how this is technically the second time they went there for a trip, but because the timeline doesn't move forward it's also the first. They are gonna have a lot of wooden swords eventually!
>> No. 11163 [Edit]
File 134671290447.png - (548.31KB , 1265x707 , oh.png )
Yet another fine episode.
>> No. 11164 [Edit]
why don't they just tell Chinatsu that she can't draw for shit already.
>> No. 11165 [Edit]
They don't wanna be rude
>> No. 11166 [Edit]
File 13467388944.jpg - (185.01KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] YuruYuri S2 - 10 [720p]_mkv_snapsho.jpg )
Deja Vu
>> No. 11171 [Edit]
File 134676557628.jpg - (111.97KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] YuruYuri S2 - 10 [720p]_mkv_snapsho.jpg )
>> No. 11176 [Edit]
File 134677113166.jpg - (161.77KB , 1272x716 , sakurako.jpg )
Haha, I laughed hard when this happened.

Why is Sakurako so cute? Even as a baby she is just so adorable, I wanna cuddle her all day.
>> No. 11177 [Edit]
File 134677867511.png - (709.59KB , 1280x720 , pmji[pjp-[o9]mjoimjmj]o.png )
She's cute because she is just cute.

I would've liked to have taken a screenshot with Nadeshiko in it, but this moment was best point involving these two.
>> No. 11179 [Edit]
File 134677987758.jpg - (173.11KB , 1440x810 , 1682380e.jpg )
So adorable.
>> No. 11181 [Edit]

Lots of fridge brilliance in this ep.

Two eps left.

And at this rate we'll have to wait another 3 years before Namori will manage to draw enough material for S3. Sigh, almost as slow as Ritz.
>> No. 11183 [Edit]
File 134678980618.jpg - (226.83KB , 879x1280 , 1346616143663.jpg )
>> No. 11184 [Edit]
File 134678984166.jpg - (226.99KB , 876x1280 , 1346616190580.jpg )
>> No. 11186 [Edit]
File 134678995514.jpg - (205.66KB , 892x1280 , 1346616243200.jpg )
>> No. 11187 [Edit]
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>> No. 11188 [Edit]
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>> No. 11189 [Edit]
File 134679002267.jpg - (381.50KB , 1250x1906 , 1346725651256.jpg )
>> No. 11206 [Edit]
File 134695438853.jpg - (194.73KB , 501x708 , flat.jpg )
Happy birthday, Sakurako
>> No. 11209 [Edit]
File 134696904861.png - (516.19KB , 1253x800 , 3e5958b35d0e203f306e0518a3c5d2d7.png )
I had no idea that it was her birthday.

Happy birthday, Sakurako!
>> No. 11228 [Edit]
File 13473069131.jpg - (102.25KB , 1280x720 , akari tears3.jpg )
This episode was awesome
>> No. 11230 [Edit]
File 134731521312.jpg - (806.19KB , 2888x720 , 1347309418993.jpg )
New batch.

Oh Akane. Oh.
>> No. 11231 [Edit]
>> No. 11232 [Edit]
File 134733176853.gif - (739.60KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs]_YuruYuri_S2_-_10_[720p]_mkv_snapsho.gif )
>> No. 11233 [Edit]
I think it might be very uncomfortable to watch past yourself to embarrass yourself.
>> No. 11236 [Edit]
File 134735736356.png - (1.39MB , 1280x720 , explosion.png )
I really wasn't expecting an episode like this at all. It's amazing.

I love Akari, I love all of the Yurus, I love this show!
>> No. 11241 [Edit]
File 134743839622.gif - (2.54MB , 480x270 , 1347310210711.gif )
Thank you...

Man, I was so sure Akane was going to kidnap and rape her or something. Guess I am nuts one.
>> No. 11270 [Edit]

Thank you once again.

Great episode.
>> No. 11272 [Edit]

Akane sleeps like a dead log.

not only did her sister have 6+ hours each night to have her way with her, but there was enough time to sponge bathe her and remove any of the marks that might've been left on her.
>> No. 11298 [Edit]
I'm gonna miss this show so much. Why does it have to end ;_;
>> No. 11299 [Edit]
Because there isn't enough source material for another 13 ep yet.
>> No. 11300 [Edit]
File 134792212942.gif - (1.14MB , 500x281 , 1347914645292.gif )
What would you give to be able to watch the Yurus perform a theatrical play of your choice?
And what play would that be?
>> No. 11301 [Edit]
It's over...I can't believe it.
>> No. 11302 [Edit]
And it wasn't even a good episode.
S3 will come though, live.
>> No. 11303 [Edit]
I need to actually start watching the first two seasons. Same with Hidamari, actually.
I'm really, really far behind. Would it be better to torrent it or just stream, considering that I need to catch up so fast?
>> No. 11304 [Edit]

torrent, then marathon watch all at once. or set the priority so that ep 1 downloads before ep 2 downloads before ep 3 and so on.
>> No. 11307 [Edit]
File 13479461707.png - (249.34KB , 550x327 , I DIED.png )
What are you talking about? there was a lot of yuri non-passive agressiveness.

As a former huge fan of the Snow White tale/character and Kyouko, this was pretty fitting already.

However: I'm gonna miss you, girls (again).

Post edited on 17th Sep 2012, 10:30pm
>> No. 11320 [Edit]
.gif guy where are you?
>> No. 11322 [Edit]
File 134803020731.png - (393.69KB , 1280x720 , ttt.png )
This episode was grate.

I'll miss this show.
>> No. 11323 [Edit]
File 134805004819.gif - (1.73MB , 280x158 , 1347805835034.gif )
わかった わかった
>> No. 11325 [Edit]
Thank you, mysterious gif person
>> No. 11326 [Edit]
File 13480862054.png - (1.58MB , 3600x800 , 514158af69a3e0ba923a2d2fc811eed6.png )
I can't wait for the next season.
>> No. 11439 [Edit]
File 134865574867.png - (196.11KB , 499x281 , episode-11.png )
I kinda saw the end of the time machine ep coming, but god damn... it was hard not to tear up a bit.
>> No. 12912 [Edit]
Sigh, I really miss this show. It has only been one season since it ended and the wait for S3 is already killing me. Not to mention Namori is slow as hell and the first two seasons used up the vast majority of the material from the manga so I don't even think S3 in summer is possible...

I guess I'll just have to rewatch this (since I have rewatched S1 earlier this year already).

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