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File 128910603779.jpg - (90.39KB , 1024x1152 , 1288154764470.jpg )
10 No. 10
Saten appreciation thread
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>> No. 11
File 128910616268.jpg - (46.66KB , 623x459 , Railgun-SatenEyebrows.jpg )
You make me this mad OP.
>> No. 12
I love crack-whore appreciation threads!
>> No. 26
Reported appreciation thread
>> No. 67
File 128919234561.png - (69.49KB , 965x586 , 24-7 (Yotsuba II).png )
I actually made a sort of pictographic-resume, about the last time I saw /jp/ getting a Saten's appreciation...
Trolling was hard that night; and hate/stupidity flooded even more wildly troughout the entire board.
Hopefully, with our goals clear and approriate modeation, that will never happen in here..
>> No. 74
>Do you ever think "Who gives a shit" before posting?

I think that all the time. So much effort for something that nobody will appreciate. maybe I'll stop using capital letters and punctuation and try to be profound in a condensed manner like hamish
>> No. 104
File 128927805493.png - (134.55KB , 850x850 , 1276354577326.png )
>> No. 105
You accidentally posted her underling.
>> No. 135
File 128953448240.jpg - (394.46KB , 595x841 , 1276356347378.jpg )
>> No. 3327

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