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File 128908719136.jpg - (116.19KB , 768x800 , 345656655.jpg )
1 No. 1
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>> No. 2
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>> No. 4
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I am partial towards Mugi.
>> No. 5
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>> No. 29
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Moshi moshi?
>> No. 36
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presenting you the "oh! so she was actually hot" bangs down Ritsu
>> No. 136
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>> No. 137
I've decided to finally watch this. Who has the best subs?
>> No. 139
I watched Coalguys the whole way through just because they were the fastest. I don't know if there's anything better out, but their subs seemed fine enough to me.
>> No. 140
Coalguys delivers. Always.
>> No. 141

... What.


>> No. 142
Thank you kindly!
>> No. 143
I'd say go with Frostii also, Coalguys is quick with their subs, but they like to troll a lot, by mistranslating on purpose, inserting memes, and changing lines to reference themselves.
I'd call them one of the worst sub groups of our day.
>> No. 144
Frostii. There are multiple reasons why CoalGuys are called 'troll subs'.
>> No. 145
Maybe I just didn't care enough about the subs or pay enough attention to /a/ for me to notice, but Coalguys subs were good enough for me. Frostii is probably a better choice, but whatever.
>> No. 146
>inserting memes

Ugh, I'll definitely avoid them then
>> No. 150
I'm going to +1 for Frostii as well, their subs are pretty decent.
>> No. 151
even if you don't go to /a/ enough to notice the memes they put in, it still stands out when they replace some words with their own name from time to time.
>> No. 153
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i avoided this show for a long time too. i believed it to be some childish idiotic mainstream crap and... well, probably was but brohnos seemed to like it and so decided to give it a chance. when i finally saw it, i fell immediately...

many guys out there (the internets, i mean) still trash it as boring and generic, even for moe/loli/punipuni standards. many also have encountered opinions -not without reason- about the way its mainstream succes, beyond the otaku culture, seemed to have turned anime into a more accepted phenomena among larger demographics (starting from japanese families themeselves). to me, as said, it was ok; i don't think it will ever be considered a classic, be condemned to some index or anything; but... they were good girls: for the space of a few months, week after week, they gave me moments of pure joy along the -very- sad period i was going trough (and i'm thankful for that).
>> No. 154
I thought season one was so-so, and didn't really think all that much about it.
I still don't remember much of anything about it, it was kind of like a time killer almost.
But I found season two to be awesome and loved it, at least until near the end when it started to get a bit on the depressing side, with the whole disbanding and going to collage thing.
>> No. 204
I hope the movie covers their college life instead of recapping seasons 1 + 2.
>> No. 205
Don't worry, it'll most-likely give us a glimpse into what they've been doing after high school.
>> No. 243
I also found S1 to be a bit...lacking, but S2 made up for it in full.

The end made me a little sad, but at least it ended well.
>> No. 731
I'm quite partial towards Yui. I enjoyed her brand of derpy moe.

Season 1 was okay, at best.
Season 2 was a significant improvement. I enjoyed it quite a bit.
Frostii is the better option for subs.

What else? I enjoyed the second season of K-ON, though I felt depressed near the end. I hope the movie would be decent enough for me to enjoy, well at least better than season 2.

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