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File 17337234287.jpg - (605.52KB , 3400x3400 , flipping out.jpg )
43239 No. 43239 [Edit]
Has a character(or maybe something else) you like, from any type of series, ever been reworked or retconned to make them more appealing to a new or broader audience?
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>> No. 43240 [Edit]
>> No. 43241 [Edit]
Yukikaze :^)
>> No. 43242 [Edit]
File 173374826381.jpg - (137.78KB , 740x412 , 2ea8aa5117ca7b7ec1362ba3512bf3ee2a25d155ff1af75529.jpg )
>The following are rules, but are not as severe infractions. Many of these are just as much for your own good as for the site, something like friendly advice. These actions may likely result in your post or media being deleted, and repeated infractions may result in a warning or ban, length of which to be determined by a moderator. Many of these are only clarifying what the above rules would apply to.
>Ex.01) Emoticons. E.g. :-) and xD.
>- They're obnoxious >.>
>> No. 43243 [Edit]
You're exaggerating
>> No. 43244 [Edit]
I just personally find non-kaomoji emoticons to be an eyesore (especially ":^)") and am using the rules as a pretext, tee hee.
>> No. 43245 [Edit]
And I find kaomoji more obnoxious than classic :'^*) or whatever. All emojis are bad when abused, but sometimes they can emphasize your message in a very precise way, such that could never be put in words. It's easier to just forbid them entirely, but sometimes feelings don't translate into words. I suggest we be patient and forgive posters who don't abuse.
>> No. 43246 [Edit]
If you're going to cite rules to others, which isn't necessarily bad, you shouldn't break any yourself by abusing spoilers.
>> No. 43247 [Edit]
Yeah more holywars. Please calm down no one's going to die.
>ever been reworked or retconned to make them more appealing to a new or broader audience
Not really because I'm not into very long series, and shorter ones usually don't suffer this. At least I don't remember.

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