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File 156580656878.jpg - (159.81KB , 500x625 , 3813BFB2-31E5-40A6-83B4-2F9A756A9628-171-00000001F.jpg )
32990 No. 32990 [Edit]
How do you feel about english songs in anime sountracks? What about songs actually made by western musicians? Stand Alone Complex has a lot of them and some are better than others. Berserk's bad op is another example. Made in Abyss's entire sound track was done by an australian team and I think they did a very good job, with the exception of two atrocious tracks featuring pop singers.
I generally dislike anything that reminds me too much of what plays on the radio. I'll never understand the "cool factor" english has for people that don't speak it natively.
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>> No. 32999 [Edit]
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Foreign language is "cool" to Japanese. That's about it.
>> No. 33005 [Edit]
I enjoy it when it feels like the music was chosen because it fit the show. Two standout examples are

Gunslinger Girl:
>> No. 33007 [Edit]
On the note of Gunslinger Girl, the Italian ED is great.
>> No. 33013 [Edit]
Lyrics translation:
Listen, Sweet Mary,

Restore, I beg, my pleasantness.

Ah! Yes, be the guiding star of my path,

To come with you, sweet will be death for me.

Listen, Hail Mary,

His sorrow, his sad accents, let him hear the mercy of your heart.

To you who is blessed among women, Mary,

My prayer flies, pure it rises to you.

Listen, Saint Mary,

Restore, I pray, my calmness.

Let all souls who cry take refuge in her arms.

Ah! Break, Mary, the trap that prevents you.

Listen, Sweet Mary,

His sorrow, his sad accents, let him hear the mercy of your heart.
>> No. 33034 [Edit]
It's a beautiful ED, thank you for posting the lyrics. And it reminded me of Elfen Lied's OP, Lilium:

The mouth of the Just shall meditate wisdom,
And His tongue shall declare judgment.

Blessed is he who endureth temptation,
For once he hath been tested, he shall receive the crown of life.

Oh Lord, Fountain of Holiness,
Oh Lord, Fire Divine, have mercy.

Oh how holy, how serene,
How generous, how pleasant this Virgin who believeth.
Oh how holy, how serene,
How generous, how pleasant,
Oh Pure Lily.


Oh Lord, Fountain of Holiness,
Oh Lord, Fire Divine, have mercy.

Oh how holy, how serene,
How generous, how pleasant,
Oh Pure Lily.
>> No. 33159 [Edit]
I like Mami’s Theme with the made-up lyrics.
>> No. 34430 [Edit]
Komm susser tod may have been the only time I wasn't disgusted by it.
>> No. 34434 [Edit]
The ending theme to Xenogears was lovely.
>> No. 34888 [Edit]
It's a good one.
>> No. 34889 [Edit]
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>What about songs actually made by western musicians?
Eurobeat is nice and iconic and does really fit the show, however you feel about Initial D. I enjoy it. Most Eurobeat is made by Italians, hence the name even though Initial D made it famous.
>> No. 35006 [Edit]
File 158969498343.gif - (20.22KB , 150x150 , 20200517.gif )
LAIN OP ~ Duvet by BOA.

99 Luftballoons
>> No. 35017 [Edit]
I don't really care what language a song is, to me lyrics are just a different form of instrument and their meaning is only tertiary to how they sound in their song. If they are a good "instrument" then it's fine by me.
>> No. 35018 [Edit]
I like this interpretation. Baroque music used the human voice like any other instrument, demanding vocal techniques you wouldn't see as much later one.
Vivaldi: Agitata da due venti
>> No. 35499 [Edit]
Stick to Japanese
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