No. 35249
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My mom raised me largely on sugary soft drinks. I hardly ever drank pure water as a kid, it was always soda, fruit juice, milk shakes, iced tea with sugar, that sort of stuff. My favorite sugary drink was cola, in particular Afri Cola.
As you can imagine, I was always a fat kid, and because I continued this habit into adulthood, I eventually developed type 2 diabetes in my late 20s.
That diagnosis was a wake up call, and since then I have been drinking mostly water, and instead of getting my caffeine from cola or energy drinks, I will usually brew some white or green tea in the evening, refrigerate it and drink it without sugar in the morning (I never much liked hot beverages of any kind).
I also made some other lifestyle changes, and managed to lose my 120 pounds of excess weight and get my blood sugar levels and glucose absorption back to normal; for now.