ITT: Methods to make money online or from home for our bros who refuse to be wage slaves.
Gonna dump some useful charts I've come across.
Useful link for ways to make money by "selling your body"
Now for some other stuff copied from the soon to be deleted /$/; "A nice way to start. Its not work but if you're smart with whatever money you get you'll have a nice savings to start"
All of these options are pretty terrible, mostly since you're competing with third world agencies by working online, but i might as well list them >transcription work high wpm will help you but you still won't make much, will eventually be replaced by a computer. >art freelance Any freelance site that takes a cut / blocks interaction outside of the website (i.e. fiverr) isn't worth the effort. If you know the software well and have a bit of experience you can find desperate small jobs, of course being paid little for a lot of work, and the people are sometimes very hard to work with >code freelancing probably the best bet, though I haven't tried it. Knew someone who basically got paid to do some kid's programming homework. As with all freelancing jobs your advantage over the third world is your ability to english >other with no real skills or abilities, but with some luck or networking, you might end up managing someone's wordpress / wix website. Old people feel good paying young people small amounts to do shit they don't want. Downside is all these jobs require social interaction, but with personal jobs like this you might get someone who is at least understanding. >be a phone rep at home this is legit work but it's the worst shit ever. Most stressed out I've ever been. in any case your best bet is going through family members / friends because networking will get you 10x what a forum will. but everything (except transcription) requires social interaction to a large extent
>>31147 Be born rich. Then you can fail at everything & still be "successful" like PoTUS 45.
With the recent trends due to el virus, I guess almost all software engineering jobs are indefinitely "work from home." Of course at that point you just have a full-time wage-slave job.
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