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File 14844551213.jpg - (165.09KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Ao no Exorcist - Kyoto Fujouou-hen .jpg )
27707 No. 27707 [Edit]
Jumping back to where the S1 Anime Original stuff started and then pretending it never happened, S2 comes along.

The sound track follows the theme from the first season, which is exquisite.

I'm hoping for another 24 episodes, but the current arc is more to set up the next couple, so the first couple of volumes may not sell quite well enough to get there.
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>> No. 27794 [Edit]
File 148555311776.jpg - (73.96KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Ao no Exorcist - Kyoto Fujouou-hen .jpg )
4 episodes in and the into arc is just about to the action.

and the OST is just as outstanding as the first season's.
>> No. 27888 [Edit]
File 148676428068.jpg - (307.23KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Ao no Exorcist - Kyoto Fujouou-hen .jpg )
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